Branchfur's Code -Epilogue-

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The sounds of battle raged through the air. The Clans of the forest were engaged in a violent, bloody battle led by the violent Thornstar. Branchfur had wounds welling along his pelt, he panted heavily after he recovered against his fight against the AshClan warrior, Grasstail. He had won the fight and killed the tom, the second cat he had ever killed.

Branchfur had broken every rule he had ever known, he had left behind the warrior code as well as Elmstar's code about loyalty. LichenClan is doomed with Jaggedstar as leader. Branchfur told himself. Thornstar will lead all the Clans into a better future, one that Elmstar would be proud of.

Many, many moons had passed since Branchfur's kits were born, both of them were now warriors by the names of Timbertail and Rootscratch. Despite everything that Branchfur had taught Timbertail, he still flocked to Jaggedstar, seeing the idiotic leader as his hero. The two of them had a fight and Timbertail had turned his back on Branchfur and the things he had taught him, ever since that day Branchfur had felt his own sanity slipping away.

Flamewhisker hadn't agreed with what Branchfur had been doing, and now that Branchfur had sided with Thornstar he knew that all of his relationships would be cut off. The only two he really cared about were that of his kits, but he knew that Rootscratch was just as loyal to Jaggedstar as Timbertail was. My kits are a failure. Branchfur thought, unable to keep his mind clear.

Branchfur had found himself slipping into darkness with each passing day, he had lost himself but Branchfur knew deep down that he had started losing himself when Poppyfur broke his heart. Poppyfur. The name still drove anger deep into his heart. The name that had ruined everything, had he never met her he wouldn't be where he was. This is all her fault!

A sharp cry of pain ripped Branchfur back to reality, he was slammed to the ground by the MoonClan warrior Pigeonpelt. "Just another traitor." Pigeonpelt spat in Branchfur's face. Branchfur didn't have time to deal with Pigonepelt. Letting out a caterwaul, Branchfur unleashed his fury upon Pigeonpelt.

"You deserve to die just as she did!" Branchfur's claws ripped through Pigeonpelt's gray fur before the MoonClan tom could even act. As he met Pigeonpelt's yellow eyes, they turned into Poppyfur's terrified green ones. "I'll make sure you never forget what you did!" Pigeonpelt scrambled away from Branchfur's grip, looking terrified and confused.

"You're insane." Pigeonpelt spat and quickly ran away. Branchfur's legs gave out from underneath him, he was losing himself. Darkness moved in quickly, but he shook his head and forced himself to stand back up.

"No!" He scolded himself, shaking his head. Poppyfur is already dead. Branchfur reminded himself, Flowerstar had announced her death a few moons ago. Killed by an adder. A fitting death for such a vile cat. Branchfur laughed to himself. I only wish I could have seen her suffer.

Branchfur spotted his new leader, Thornstar quickly running through the battle with Echoheart at his side. He already felt disconnected from the world around him, but without thinking Branchfur ran after Thornstar. The already scarred leader was covered in blood, most of which wasn't his.

"Thornstar!" Branchfur called after the leader, he stopped and faced Branchfur with blazing amber eyes.

"What do you want?" Thornstar growled. "I have better things to do than sit here and talk with you!"

"What's your plan after this battle is over?" Branchfur demanded. "What are we going to do when the forest is ours?"

"Ours?" Thornstar laughed, making Branchfur's pelt stand on edge. "This forest is going to be mine. I barely know you, you're just a faceless warrior fighting for me. Kill Dawnstar and then we'll talk."

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