Chapter Seven

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Lola woke with a fright as she looked around, she was lying in her bed, the water bag was in her arm and the heart monitor was also pinned into her arm. Lola went wide eyed as she grabbed her face to try and find the scratch she sustained from when the Angel hit her.

There was no blood, or any sign that she had been hit at all.

Lola stared at her hand in disbelief, she had had worse things happen to her then a scratch to the face, but she was terrified she didn't have one.

Lola nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard the bell tower that morning. She looked at her arm and her leg, just as bad as they were yesterday. She stared with fascination as she looked out the window.

She had the overwhelming need to cry and laugh and have a tantrum all at once. Her hand suddenly slammed into something in the bed, she froze as she searched the bed, when her hand found it, she pulled it out from under the sheets. It was the small metal key.

Lola dropped it almost immediately.

Dr Jones walked in, a smile on his face, "good morning, Lola," he greeted.

Lola didn't say anything, she just hugged her knees. "Are you okay, Lola?" he asked as he sat at the end of her bed.

"Bad dream," Lola informed looking at her hands.

Dr Jones stared at Lola, "what happened?" he asked.

Lola shook her head, "garden variety nightmare, sir," she informed smiling.

Dr Jones nodded as he looked at the heart monitor, "looks like the monitor picked it up," he informed looking through its history, her heartbeat sped up for a few hours during the night. Lola stared at it oddly.

"Dr Jones, what's a Humanoid?" Lola asked.

Dr Jones froze for a moment and looked at her, "where did you get that word from?" he asked.

Lola shrugged, "heard it somewhere. So what is it?" she asked.

Dr Jones paused for a moment, he was about to say something, stopped himself, tried to say something again and missed it, and finally managed to say something without losing it. "It's a little difficult to explain," He informed scratching his head, "basically Humanoid means human or social," he explained.

"Why was that so difficult?" Lola asked.

"Because there's one other Humanoid, but I don't think that's what you meant," he informed.

Lola tilted her head, "what else does it mean?" Lola asked.

"Well... have you ever heard of the Legend Navora?" he asked.

Lola thought for a moment and shrugged, "isn't that the story of what happened to the leaders of the kingdoms?" Lola asked.

Dr Jones nodded, "yep. Do you remember what happened to our city's leader in that story?" he asked.

Lola tried to recall the story and nodded in assurance, "doesn't an Angel turn her into a pearl like the rest of the other leaders and is now angry with the pearl?" Lola asked.

Dr Jones nodded, "well, there's an old legend that says that the Angel who did that to our leader was a Humanoid Angel," he explained.

"What's that?" Lola asked, "You know, a Humanoid Angel?"

"I can't give details as to what they look like, for all anybody knows they look like a regular person, but they are probably one of the cruellest of all Angels. They are incapable of feeling any emotion and are complete selfish beings... but they are also very powerful," he explained as someone knocked on the door angrily. The door opened and an irritated nurse was shoved in by two Dark Guards behind them.

The Jewels; Mother of Pearl (#ABA2017)Where stories live. Discover now