Part 2

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Sorry for the long and boring chapter. I tried my best to write but every time I did I ended up deleting them. I hope this is not disappointing for you guys.

"Are you ready for your leaving next week? Is everything prepared?" Maryse asked his son while he was packing few of his books away in the luggage. He turned and nodded with a smile excitedly but his mother didn't return the favors. He noticed the silenced in between them so he pulled her for a hug. "I'm just gonna be gone for few months, I will come back for holiday okay. I promised I'll come back." He said and he noticed her mother cracked up on his chest, sobbing in her tears.

"That's what you said last time, then I lost you." She said in her sobs, Alec sighed before sitting her down beside him on the bed and they looked at each other. "Mama, I'm here, I'm not gonna go anywhere. What happened in the past is something we can't changed." Alec noted but his mother's eyes showed a lot more than what came out from her mouth. She tried few times with her lips apart but no words came. She sighed rubbing her cheek from the tears.

"Did you remember anything from past two years?" She asked, contented that he knows nothing. Alec frowned at her knowing well if he did he would have said something. He shook his head in response and his eyes lurk in his mothers. "Do you have any glimpse of anyone in one of your dream?" She asked again, curiosity filled in.

How did she know Alec is been having nightmares or dreams about the past but she never mention anything to help him remember. Alec's eyes turned to the side of her and stared down remembering his dream. He remembers every each and one of his dreams but he couldn't made up the pieces together. Its like the pictures is there but he had just to put them all together in a correct placement.

The image of the man with black hair wearing suit appears in a blur for him. He could make up he sat on the desk but he couldn't made the face appear and no matter how hard he tried he couldn't remember. But his voice is cracking and far away, making Alec difficult to understand what he said. But he remembers his toned, low and husky but his voice changed in times. They always end up ending the dream with gun shot, silent and quick unlike some gunshot that he tried to google the sound, loud and crashing.

The thoughts of his dreams made his head throbbed again and he winced in ache. "Arghh." He held his head with his hand and Maryse held his shoulder, "Alec?" She asked and Alec shook his head trying to stop the pain but it worsen, "Mum, it hurts." He said and he wanted to stood and shake it off but his legs gave up and he fell on the floor in pain. "Isabelle!" He heard his mother shouted for his sisters. "Oh god, Alec please forgive me. Baby please, I'm sorry."

Her mother's voice was the last thing he remembered before he fell into darkness again and the pain subside after. Every time he would let the darkness invaded him, he will dream again and this time, he want to see that guy. The black haired guy with spiky hair and smelled like cinnamon and sandalwood.

"Alec please wake up sweetheart."

"Alexander, wake up." The male voice echoed.

"Alec baby I'm so sorry."

"Alexander please forgive me." 

He couldn't make up who's voice it was actually but he knew one of them is his mother. he tried to open his eyes but his vision was to painful to react to the light. He tried few times before he finally opened his eyes and make up the surrounding. He groaned as his throat felt like sands and seconds later a glass of water being placed on the tips of his lips. He shakily accept the hand and sips the water, relieved as the cold water went through his throat. His head fell back on the pillow as he saw people around him with same expression as he was waking up two years ago."What happened?"

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