Part 21

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Sorry for the delay update and no one is even asking for an update so I didn't bother too write either. Enjoy the twist and be miserable as I am. Not sorry for it.

Jace jolted up from his sleep when he felt something soft hit his face. He sat up almost immediately and saw Alec behind the couch he slept on looking at him with such a stern look on his face. "What the fuck Alec! I was asleep!" He looked to his side, the couch pillow that hit his face was on the floor, he picked it up and throw it back at his brother but Alec already disappeared to the kitchen. "Get ready. We're going home, our flights in the afternoon." Jace jumped out from the couch in shock upon Alec's words and followed him to the kitchen.

His messy blonde hair is ruffed but still look good on him as he brushed it with his fingers and his eyes still blurred due to the lack of sleep. His mind wanders to what Alec had in his mind that made him want to come home in such a hurry. "Alec are you okay?" He asked him as his eyes lingered towards Alec's tall figure ruffling through the kitchen fridge looking for something to make breakfast. "Peachy." He said without given a glance at his brother. He knows the answer is sarcastically but he had no mood to explain himself hence, the sarcasm.

"What are you gonna do back home?" Jace asked, his voice hint with a frightening note wishing his brother doesn't have anything crazy in his mind. Alec still had his back towards him and kept stirring his coffee with the small spoon after he placed the sugar in, his eyes lost in the black emptiness before him. "Dad owe me an explanation." He simply said as he sipped his coffee. He heard Jace sighed behind him but he chose to ignore it.

"Alec." Jace was about to say something but he was cut off with Alec's words, "That bastard is the reason for my misery, my fucked up life is his doing and he had the audacity to keep it a secret and made you all lie to me!" Alec gritted his teeth, his jaw clenched as he kept his gaze at his brother, their eyes stared into each other burning holes into their heart. "Alec I know you're hurting right now but-" Jace was again cut off when Alec slapped his palm on the table in front of them. The table shook and so was Jace, "STOP covering for him! You had all two years to tell me the truth but you kept it a secret! It took me few weeks with Magnus to put all the pieces together. I thought we promised each other no secrets Jace! I thought you are my brother!"

Alec screamed his frustration at him and he saw Jace pinched his nose bridge together sighing. "I am your brother damn it! It wasn't my decision it was mum and dad! The memory is too painful for all of us. You have no idea what have we gone through since you left us. You LEFT US Alec! You left me and Isabelle to rebel against dad! You showed him how you can live without his help and cast us away from your life! If anything you started all of this. If you could just told mum and dad in private instead of at the dinner party none of this would happened!" Jace pointed his finger at his brother which he retracted back in regret, he didn't mean to blame Alec on all of this but he was out of line and he knew he burst Alec's bubbles. He saw his chest puffed in and out in anger and his eyes shooting darts at him.

"Rape, murder, tortured, abused, kidnapped, take your pick, do you think I wanted those? Do you think I wanted those life? He called me a humiliation and said I put scar on his reputation. What kind of a father who disowned his own off spring for being gay? He was humiliated back then and he wasn't any difference now." Jace was taken back at Alec's word and his jaw dropped, "Y-You remembered?" Jace asked whispering although his voice is loud enough for Alec to hear. "Its all coming back to me, pieces but I know now whose voices appeared in my dream. Look, come or don't come to Italy with me I don't care, I need to settle this on my own, bye Jace."

Alec stormed off from the kitchen bumping their shoulders together and Jace sighed at Alec's behavior. He became like he used to be when they were in school, the rebellious Alec with an anger like a teen. He knew this isn't going well so he need to accompany his brother from acting out at his parents again. He called Izzy to tell her they are coming back and she understood how Alec is behaving right now.

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