Part 20

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Alec didn't know exactly how this guy worked his magic on him but now he is under him half naked only in his briefs with Magnus on top of him. Their kissed were heated and deep, their tongue dominated in every way. Alec felt his body had been craving this for long time but never the same way he felt with Mateo. Damn, why he have to think about him while Magnus kissing the life out of him.

Thoughts wander on Magnus kissing his neck and probably leaving marks tomorrow. Just then his thoughts on him, flashes appears in his mind blocking Magnus in a view. Alec blinked his eyes few times and the ceiling of the hotel changed from pearly white to stain yellow and cracks in them. He turned his head to the side and saw the surrounding of the room is different, the exclusive hotel suite was no longer there. He was on the cracked wooden floor with trash all around it, beer cans and other alcohol bottles lying around the room and it seems unfurnished. He turned back his head and the view of Magnus is no longer in front of him. Even if its blurred, the view is more revealing. A guy, dirty blonde hair with tearing blue eyes looking deep into his soul. He recognized him from one of his images, its Liam. Then he felt a pang, a sting heat travels on his cheek. "That'll teach you not to hide anything from me." He whispered.

Alec tried to push him off of him but then Liam held his arm on the bed gripped it tight locking Alec underneath him. "You're such a tease when you fought back Alexander. You think you're strong enough for me?" His voice boomed into Alec's head. He shook his head, blinking his eyes to clear his thoughts but he seems to be stuck in his nightmare again. Then he felt a hand gripping his neck and blocking air for him to breathe. He grabbed the hand to remove from his neck but failed, the look on Liam's face is like a demon trying to remove Alec's souls. Alec's mouth gaped trying to breathe but failed and he felt the room spinning.

"Alec! Alexander!" He heard screamed of his name and he tried to wake up but his mind still at the place. That's when he opened his eyes wide and sat up straight and he's back in the room. "Alexander, hey what's wrong?" Magnus kneeled in front of him looking concern, his hands on Alec's shoulder but Alec pushed it off of him, not wanting any physical contact. Alec then raised his both knees and hugged it with tears running on his cheek and his chest heaved in catching his breath, he was panting like he has been running for the past hour. His face shown fear and worries Magnus the most since he hasn't look him in the eye but kept his gaze towards his side.

"Alec, what happened? Did I hurt you?" He came to Alec's side on the bed but Alec kept his distance. "I saw him, he h-hurt me." He said in his tears which Magnus knew exactly what he was talking about. He rubbed Alec's back to soothe him and slowly he pulls Alec to his bare chest. "Shh,shh baby, its over, he's not gonna hurt you anymore, I promise." Magnus said and Alec hide his face on Magnus' chest nodded. They both lay back on the bed with Alec in Magnus' arm still crying. He stroked Alec's hair back from his forehead and his body trembled in fear.

"Mum was right to keep it a secret. I shouldn't have come here. I want to go home. Please." Alec looked up and gaze on Magnus' eyes. He saw the look of disappointment in him but he nodded with a soft smile. "Sure, we'll leave tomorrow." He said and Alec rested his head on Magnus' neck and sighed. The silenced again haunting and Magnus felt a knot in his stomach and a feeling he couldn't shake. He felt like losing Alec for the second time, feeling him going to disappear from his world again and he could never have him back. He shake the thought away when he heard soft snores came from Alec and how his chest raised and fell equally unlike earlier, fast and uncoordinated and his trembles disappeared. Magnus kissed Alec on his forehead and tears fall on his temple. He wiped it off with his palm and tried to hold his sob, "I love you Alexander. Always and forever. Please don't leave me again." He whispered even though he knew Alec can't hear him and he spend the night stared at him until his eyes fall to sleep.

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