Part 27

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Alec fell asleep in the car after he was pulled to Magnus in a hug. He felt drained after all the adrenaline he had earlier. When he woke up he was surprised he wasn't being brought at home, but rather Magnus' mansion. "Why'd you take me here?" He asked and Magnus smirked. He hated when he do that meaning he had something on his mind. "I don't want you to stay alone after whatever happens in the office today." He stated and Alec scoffed. He raised himself up and sat a feet away from Magnus in the car. "I told you nothing happened, I was just tired." He said and looking out to the window as the car started to roll on the courtyard.

"Like that face is just appears yesterday. I can read you like an open book Alexander, you don't have to lie to me." Magnus mentioned and before Alec could answer he went out from the car and slammed the door close. He walked towards the entrance and heard steps behind him knowing Alec is following suit. Alec felt guilty of not telling Magnus what happened but he knew he would over react if Alec told him so he decided to keep it to himself. He was about to catch Magnus before he stormed off angrily but he was caught by Rafe in surprise. "Alec!" He jumped at Alec and he caught in time before he could say anything.

"uff, Rafe you're getting bigger each day I see you." He said and tickles him on his tummy which he squirmed like a worm begging him to stop. Funny how he had grown attached on this boy even though he has no memory of him, even just yesterday they saw each other, he still acted like they haven't seen in years. "Rafe go and wait for us in the dining area, me and Alec will join right after." Magnus commanded and Rafe knew that tone really well, meaning he's angry. "Are you guys fighting?" He asked softly in fear but Alec smiled kissing his cheek. "No sweetie, daddy just bad mood cause he ate too much ice cream yesterday and his tummy aches." Alec stated and Magnus shot him a look. He was looking at Alec like 'are you kidding me?' look while Alec grinning putting Rafe down on the floor. "Oh okay, I'll tell Mary to make you pudding for your tummy!" He screamed as he ran towards the kitchen. Alec chuckled at his excitement but immediately changed his thoughts when he saw Magnus stood before him crossing his arm on his chest. He wasn't smile or even smirking anymore which Alec knew exactly why.

"What?" Alec asked innocently trying for a conversation starter. "What? You asked me what? You just throw me under the bus and you asked me what? What the heck Alec?" Magnus knew better not to cursed in his own house especially when Rafe is around. Alec snickered a smile before he walked closer to Magnus and grabbed him by his suit lapels and closing the gap between them. "Because I want to eat a pudding made by Mary." With that he let go and stride his way towards the kitchen. Magnus eyed his movement as he knew how Alec swayed his body for Magnus liking. He shook his head holding his smile repeatedly cursing in his mind and plotting a revenge afterwards.

Mary was worried when Rafe told him how Magnus was having a tummy ache and immediately made her famous chocolate pudding for soothing tummy. He knew Magnus and Rafe loves her pudding and more glad to make them even if they weren't sick. The ate all the pudding and washed up after. Alec was heading towards the door and caught by Magnus in time. "Where do you think you're going?" He asked and Alec turned looking at him but kept their hand intertwined.

"Home, I have work tomorrow." He said and Magnus sighed. "No you're not, you're staying here tonight. I'll drive you to work tomorrow." He pulled Alec's hand towards the bedroom and Alec released right after. Rafe was already passed out in his room after dinner and leaving Alec and Magnus some time to talk. "How do you expect me to go to work tomorrow? I don't have anything to wear here and I can't exactly go to work in your clothes, its not fitting me." He said after they entered Magnus' room. He closed the door behind him and walked towards one of the door in his room. He opened them and held out his hand towards the room. "Pick." He said and Alec walked towards him from where he stands.

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