Part 6

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Get your tissue ready, or not, I cried writing this scene. 

The boy stood still in front of Alec not sounding any sign of life. His body froze, his eyes are watery. His mouth still gaped and his appearance scaring Alec. Mateo looks in between them in disbelief and thought he was being rude so he nudge the boy with his hand. "Hey, didn't your parent ever told you not to stare at people? Its rude." He said and the boy still froze. Alec eyes didn't leave him but he did try to remove his gaze multiple times towards the coffee in front of him but the boy still stood still.

"Would you cut that out? Its scaring me. Where's your parent?" Alec tilted his head up trying to search any sort of prove of this boy parents but he knew better, he saw the boy came out from the car alone. Alec then moved back his eyes towards the boy who had dropped the cookie on the ground. Only then he noticed the tears brimming on his eyes and it flow down on his cheek without him even blinking. His breath hitched and soon it started to become a pant.

Alec saw the changes in his breathing and he caught in worries, he immediately stood and crouch over the boy putting his hand on the boy shoulder shaking him back to reality. "Hey, you're okay? Hey, can you hear me? What's your name?" He asked shaking the boy vigorously into consciousness and he didn't expect the next thing to happened.

The boy had his arm wrapped around Alec's neck resting his head in the crook of Alec's neck and Alec was stunned with the gesture he had fallen back a bit but steadied himself back on the ground. "I knew you are alive, I knew you'll come back." Then Alec heard the quiet whimper coming from the boy and he felt the small frame of body in his embrace shook. He sobbed in tears soaking Alec's shirt and he kept mumbling the same words in his hiccup.

Alec felt sudden warmth in his chest, like a two piece of puzzle connect to each other, he felt a string of connection towards this boy. He wrapped his arm around the boy and held him up as he stood above the ground. "Hey, hey shh, shh its okay. Its okay. You're okay." He said soothing soft words to the boys ear. He then took back his seat with the boy still straddling his hips and stick to him like a panda on the tree. Mateo look at the scene before him with his eyebrow furrowed in confusion as to why his date is ruined by this boy and Alec was ignoring the fact that he already grown to like this boy.

He cleared his throat and Alec looked up. "Sorry, he just seemed lost and maybe I could get him home. Maybe we could reschedule this date?" He said as he stood and Mateo wasn't going to take no for an answer. "Wait, no hold up." He raised his hand towards Alec and he went back to his seat. "Are you seriously gonna ditch me over some stranger kid? He probably a scheme trying to get some money for all we know." He said and Alec rolled his eyes upward not believing what he's hearing.

"Look at him, he is not a stray kid. And second, he called me by my name. I wanted to know further. Maybe he's mine for all we know." Alec said which then follows by Matt snorted at him, "Well in that case, lets get him home. See what this kid knows about you." He said and already grabbing his keys but Alec still sat in his spot not moving a muscle. "I-If you don't mind, I want some time with the kid, I'll call you later maybe?" He said and Matt huffed in disbelief. He groaned in frustration pinching the bridge of his nose with two fingers. "Fine, please call me, I gotta go to the hospital anyway." He said and Alec thought he would leave him but instead he came closer and placed a kiss on Alec'c cheek. He blushed at the thought and smiled not able to look up to his eyes. "You look so cute when you blushed Alexander." Well that didn't help Alec with his blushing either. The only thing he did was making him more red than usual.

"Want to start telling me who are you and how exactly do you know me?" Alec said after Matt left him, the stunned silenced was agony. He unwrapped his arm around the boy and he did the same, now he is sitting on Alec's lap. He kept his eyes towards Alec's hazel eyes and his eyebrow crooked in confusion. Its the same person stood in front of him, same eyes, same nose, same scent even. How can Alec not remembered him.

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