Part 26

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Alec stirs in his sleep and felt heaviness on his chest. He tried to move but failed so he tried to see what's lying on him. The light in the room felt like laser to his eyes as he tried to open them. He blinked several times adjusting to it before he saw his room in a blur. He looked down to his chest and saw a black hair and a warm hand on his chest before he starts to move again. He felt the grip tightened as he tries to escape.

"Hmm, go back to sleep Alexander. Its still early." Magnus groaned in his sleep. Alec looked to his side and saw the clock on the table shown almost ten in the morning. "Magnus its not early, its almost ten." Magnus shot up his head to look at the clock and sighed before he placed his head back on Alec's chest. "Its early to me." He wrapped his arm around Alec's torso keeping it closer to him. He had his leg wrapped on Alec's leg like a panda and Alec chuckled at the feeling.

"Don't you have work to go to?" He asked rubbing his eyes while he stretched his arm apart. "Fuck with work, I'm the boss remember?" Alec sighed letting his head falls back on the pillow, his finger tracing Magnus' black hair. "I have to get ready, I have my shifts at the cafe in few hours." He said attempting to wake up and removed himself from the bed but Magnus pulls him back on the bed and got on top of him. "Now that's not a wake up call I wanted." He said and Alec instant blushed appears on his cheek. He was stunned and for once he doesn't know what to do. Last night was amazing for him and for so long, he was able to sleep without nightmare.

His eyes wanders towards Magnus ruffled hair and his pink lips that begs for hard kiss and his bare chested that he let his hand run all over. He wrapped his hand around Magnus neck before pulling him closer and their lips locked. Alec was not bothered of his morning breath as Magnus' lips always tasted like mint and he could kiss him all day, everyday. Their kiss deepened and Magnus bit Alec's lower lip seeking entrance. He gasped and Magnus took the opportunity to let his tongue do wonders in them. His hand moves down to Alec's bare hip and Alec let his wanders to Magnus bare ass. He squeeze his cheek and Magnus couldn't help but to keep his hip grind on Alec's. Their hard erection rubbing against each other as they moves. Pre cum starts to drip and Magnus rubbed his hard cock against Alec. Their lips never apart as he continued stroking Alec's cock.

He raised Alec's both leg wrapping it around his hip as he positioned his tip at Alec's entrance after he lubricated it with his saliva. He pushed it in slow moves and Alec's gasped. After he reached his end of shaft and felt Alec's wall squeezing his cock hard making him want to come now and then but he hold it and kept kissing Alec. After a while Alec adjusted and Magnus began to move. His thrust causing Alec to dig his nail on his back and wrapped his legs tighter around his hip.

Flapping skin and moans invaded as their hot breaths and smells of sex fanning up in the room. Grunting and moaning became louder and Alec's moaned made Magnus at edge. He came inside and fell on Alec's chest as he trying to catch his breath. "Now that is a wake up call." Alec said and Magnus chuckled before he kissed him one more time.

They continued kissing and after awhile decided they both need a shower after. They didn't stop there but Alec wanted to make breakfast so he let Magnus get dressed and he head to the kitchen right after. After last night he got so exhausted and so hungry that he could eat the whole fridge. He pulls out some ingredient to make breakfast like eggs and things to make pancake although its no longer breakfast but he was craving for it. He whisked the batter as his mind wanders towards Magnus. Smiles crept up on his face but he didn't realized Magnus was staring at him.

"I hope I'm the one who made you smile like that." Magnus sudden voice boomed and startled Alec. He jumped in fright holding the bowl tighter so it wont fall. "You scared me." He said and turned his back placing the bowl on the table top. He kept his gaze on the pan sizzling in front of him as he felt warm hands around his hips. He felt Magnus tracing kisses on his neck making his hair raised. "Magnus." He moaned but he kept his kisses soft and resting his chin on Alec's neck. "I miss this." He said.

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