Part 29

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Its been almost a week since Alec working at Magnus' company and he never felt happier. Magnus' company is different than Shane's. The employee here is much relaxed even though his tough exterior but his personality is what the employee loves him the most. He never shouted or screamed at them and always congratulate them upon their achievement. He never belittle anyone beneath him. Alec fails to feel how he was favors by Magnus but they decided to keep it professional around the office. None of his colleague knows he's dating Magnus. They all thought he was his personal assistant but he wasn't. Magnus hired him being his advisor and his assistant. He always asked Alec's opinion on the designs and changed them when Alec suggested it. He also made a deal with Magnus that they won't come to the office together like a couple which angered Magnus the most but on Alec's defense it would look bad in his review since Magnus was not the one who supervised him. But of course there's always a little rebellion in everyone's soul.

Today they had the meeting with one of the investors in Magnus' company and Alec was not joining them as per Magnus' order. He went on the art department and learned everything he could there along with his colleague. The clock strikes three when Alec noticed it. He sighed thinking how long Magnus been in that office. Alec thought Magnus would be back after he went to lunch but instead he heard they had lunch inside the meeting room already. He tried to sneak in the floor but he was sent off to his department for his duty. Basically collecting the art stuffs for the preview and bringing it to the selective department. He was bored out of his mind and he finished his work hours ago. So he decided to sneak his way in again to Magnus' floor and waited for him there.

After few hits and bumps along the hallway he managed to sneak in Magnus' office, he went in and closed the door behind him. He turned and faced the office with a smile crept on his face. He walked to Magnus' desk chair and twirled it before he took a seat.  The desk was scattered with paper which Alec took a liberty to organize them for Magnus. Each papers counted and he placed them accordingly and He took the file and sorted it on the side, happy with his organization, he rested back on the couch located by the wall side and thought maybe he would take a rest there, but work had got him drained and for the past week, he had been tiring himself with his internship course. He rested his head against the couch's arm and later, sleep enveloped him like he welcomed it.

Alec felt soft kisses placed on his cheek and he knew exactly whom its from. Smile formed on the side of his lips as he turned and lay on his back. "What took you so long?" He called but no answers so he flickered his eyes open and gasps as what he saw wasn't exactly what he expected. At first he saw Liam's face looking down at him with his piercing blue eyes and his devil smile locking Alec underneath him but then slowly his face changed and showed Shane's angry looks. His eyes are blood shed and his mouth is dripping with blood on the side. "You're gonna pay for what you did Alexander! No one run away from me!" He sneered and his face was ready to attack. But the moment when he jumped and ready to attack Alec, he shot up from his nightmare.

"Alexander, hey! Its just a dream." Alec shot up his body in a sitting position and caught by Magnus, he was panting and breathless, tears dripping from his eyes as he blinked. "Alexander?" Magnus cupped his cheek and he flinched just like Magnus remembered when they first knew each other. Alec caught Magnus wrist before he could touch him and he looked at Magnus with fear in his eyes. "He's here. He's here." Alec muttered but Magnus couldn't understood what he was saying, "Who?" He asked, frowned displayed on his face, "L-Liam." Alec whispered. Magnus sighed pulling Alec towards his chest, "Its okay babe, he's not gonna hurt you anymore." Magnus reassured but Alec shook his head and pushed himself off of Magnus' chest.

"N-No, y-you don't u-understand, his face, it changed. I s-saw Shane." Alec stuttered and Magnus eyed him with confusion. "Your stutter's back." He whispered and it was Alec's turned to frown, "Didn't you hear what I said? He's gonna get me! He's gonna k-kill me!" Alec tried to push himself off from the couch but Magnus caught him before he could escape, he pushed Alec back on the couch and gripped his shoulder together, "No one is gonna hurt you anymore and I will make sure of that. Its just a dream, you're tired, maybe that's what triggered you." Magnus claimed but Alec shook his head and pushed him off. "No, you're wrong." He stood and paced around the office gripping his hair with his hand pulling his scalp for a released of tension but none could helped him at the moment.

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