Part 8

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This chapter contains scene of a seizure attack, don't feel offended but I'm trying to show how exactly it looks like and how to react when it happened. Thank you for reading guys.

Alec never thought he could run home that fast but he did. The last time he ran that fast was actually in his dream. He never did see the necessary on running since its cold winter and he hit in the gym for workout not on the streets. The guy he bumped earlier made him run on his long legs. There's something about the guy other than how hot he is. Initially he thought he was just some jerk that rude when accidentally hit other people. From the way he was dressed, with that tailored suit that fits his muscular body, Alec wanders how exactly the muscle looks like underneath all of those shirt. He had some designer shoes on with a smug looking on his face, he is definitely some rich asshole that loves to belittle people.

But the look on that guy face when their eyes met was something Alec couldn't shake from his mind. The way his eyes look at him with such desire as if Alec make a single moves, they would crush in a bone hug. His eyes were actually tears and reddened in each minute they stared at each other. But the most scaring thing was, the way he said his name. The voice, it sounded so familiar. Like one of his dreams but he never dream that guy before, he never seen him before and its freaking him out.

As soon as he arrives home, he was panting and the moment he entered his house, he crashed on the couch holding his chest. "Alexander? What's going on? Did you got chased by a dog again?" Mateo questioned with a slight chuckle. Alec had to chuckle at the thought either since the last time he got chased by a dog for unknown reason. "Nah, just did some running." He said breathlessly. "Here." Mateo handed him the glass of water and he took it, sipping till half of glass. He placed down the glass on the coffee table in front of him and lean back on the couch still slightly panting.

Mateo grabs his laptop and sat next to Alec and soon as he did, Alec leaned his head on his shoulder for comfort. "Watcha doing?" He asked. Mateo opened the laptop on his lap and wrapped his one arm around Alec's shoulder caressing his hair. "Research for my studies." Mateo is part time student while he's working at the hospital. His pursuing his studies on becoming one of the forensic doctors. He loves dissecting corpses identifying their cause of death, as what he said. He clicked on the article that was sent to him through his email and he opened them one by one.

Alec's eyes focused on the screen before him as Mateo scrolled through pages until one of the pictures hit him. "What was that?" He said pointing at the faces on the screen of Mateo's laptop. "Oh sorry, you probably gross out because of this aren't you." He said trying to close the laptop but Alec held his hand blocking it away. "No I want to see it." He said and he read the articles through. 'The notorious drug lord and head of the mafia, Christopher Amari dead along side his son, Liam Brenner.'

Alec read through the article with such focus that cause Mateo to surprise at his steadiness. Alec didn't even flinched when he saw the bloody picture on Liam's face. "Alec, aren't you gross out with this?" Mateo asks but Alec kept scrolling reading the articles. "What's this story?" He asked and Mateo sat up no longer having Alec on his shoulder, they both read through the article with eagerness but Mateo knows this case, he knows well since his friend was actually the one investigated the case when they were in New York. He used to live there before he moved to London for his studies a year ago.

"This is quite a story if I must say. Apparently this guy-" he pointed at Christopher's face with his index finger, "He is a famous billionaire for owning multiple clubs in New York. He and his son Liam kidnapped someone and tortured the poor guy to his death. It was some kind of family dispute or maybe love affairs for all we know." He explained and Alec look at him intensively listening to whatever he said. "What happened to the victim, the guy they kidnapped?" He asked. Liam leaned back on the couch sighing before he answers.

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