Final Chapter

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Years later

Life has never been a great for both Alec and Magnus, even though they had their ups and down but they grow stronger than ever. After their honeymoon in Africa, enjoying the safari and the Cape town, they travelled to to Asia, they went to Japan, since one of Magnus' business partner is there and he wanted to see his newly launch hotel and at the same time, taking Alec to see the beautiful scenery of Japan.

After then, they all settled in New York, Alec with his new job, Magnus back to his old company but its bigger and more established since the last time Alec work there. Rafe started his new school with ease, proud that he has two fathers instead of one. Alec was scared at first knowing how difficult it is to adjust into a society but little did he know, the school that Rafe went to, is actually an activist for the LGBT community and they are proud to have LGBT parents joined in.

Years gone by and their life had never been quiet, always the excitement and thrills inside the home and Magnus promised that he wanted more kids with Alec and he did. They adopted a sets of twin girls few years after their marriage. Alec agreed on not having any kids in the early years since he wanted to focus on his job first and Magnus is busy with his so he wanted them to adapt into their living only then to start a family together.

Catarina called them when she had the twins delivered at her hospital. Tragic things happened when the twins was actually involved in the car accident and their parents didn't survived the crash. No one claimed the twins or the body so Magnus did the favor by making proper burial for them. They both lay beside Max's grave as a reminder of them being part of the family. He named them Ember and Ellie. The twins has a pair of green hazel eyes and a sets of auburn hair. Izzy likes to call them autumn in Lightwood-Bane family since they are so reminding the color of autumn leaves when they fall.

But the sky isn't always blue, the grass isn't always greener. When the twins turned six months old, there was a knock on the door. Magnus and Alec was sitting by the fire with Alec holding Ember and Magnus holding Ellie and Rafe on Alec's side. It was usual night for them, after dinner, movies and then the bed. The knock was a surprise for them and when Jax told Magnus privately behind Alec, he got curious.

"What is it?" He asked bouncing Ember on his arm, she had a pacifier on her mouth shaped of a bumble bee. "There's someone at the door." Jax started and before he could finished his sentences, Magnus handed him Ellie, "I'll handle them." He said as he walked out from the room with Alec looking curious and confused as ever. "Jax who are they? At this hour?" He asked concerned of his husband sudden disappearance.

"There's someone at the door, a couple, uhm, f-for them." He mutters looking at both the twins and Alec had a bad feeling about it. "Take care of them." He said putting Ember in the crib and asked Rafe to stay there with Jax while he go and check on Magnus.

As he climbed down the stairs, he saw Magnus talking to a couple, not old enough but same age as his parents. They look well dressed with fur coat wrapped around the woman's body, seems like someone came from money and they were arguing with each other. "What is going on?" He asked as he walked up behind Magnus and placed his hand on Magnus shoulder. "Darling, this is Mr and Mrs Petrov. This is my husband Alexander." He introduced them and Alec shook their hands although at first they looked at him like he has two heads but they shook it anyway, unwillingly.

"Why don't you come inside?" Alec suggested and pulled Magnus but he stand his ground. "No thanks, we are here for the twins and would you please be so kind and give it to us already?" The woman said and Alec could see where the twins inherited their auburn hair, she had some maybe but somehow she dyed it brown and now it looks like a horse's hair or maybe its the other way around, he thinks.

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