Part 18

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Approximately nine torturing hours of sexual frustration and air turbulence, Alec and Magnus made it to New York. Of course Mr billionaire himself had to have his own private jet that he had to flung around Alec's face. Alec slept through the journey since he hated flying and air sickness is something he's not proud of especially long hours. Magnus on the other hand had time to finish off his business meeting and a video conference while on air and some paper work on the upcoming project while watching Alec sleeping.

"Welcome home Alexander." He whispered into Alec's ear as they stepped foot into the big city. Watching the people walking at the pavement holding briefcases and phones always in their head triggered something in Alec's heart, how much he misses home in Italy . The sky is dark and gloomy, clouds thickened as it was about to rain. Fall doesn't seem to agree with Alec in this place as he was longing for the warmth back in Italy. He kept his eyes darted at the view from the window of Magnus' car not saying a word. The coldness of the outside world didn't exactly welcoming him. He felt lone, he felt sadness and he felt running away. Unlike his feelings were back in high school times. How much he loves New York especially in winter where he would go ice skating at the central park with his sister and his brother. This time its too much pain and sorrow and he couldn't figure how the feelings triggered.

"Alexander." He felt warmth on his palm and when he looked to his side, Magnus was looking at him with such concern. Feeling like guilty on this whole trip and probably a bad idea for doing so. He smiled weakly before he leaned and peck him a kiss on his pink lips. Magnus smiled back in between kisses before he sighed in relief. Alec leaned his forehead on Magnus' shoulder and closed his eyes while their hand tangled with each other on Magnus' lap.

They had to leave Rafe behind for his school stuffs but the boy sure put a lot of fight for being left behind. He remembered how he protested his father for not bringing him along since he was the one who suggested it in the first place. He threatened how he would go on a hunger strike but Alec decided that they would be back and he will spend whole days with him doing anything he want him too. Although now Alec is regretting his promises thinking the boy would be up to something, he pray to god nothing too extreme in that boy's mind.

His thoughts were interrupted by his phone vibrating in his trousers and he pulled it out. Magnus didn't mean to snoop and look but his eyes lingered at the screen on Alec's palm. The word 'mama' appeared with Maryse face smiling hugging him side by side at the background of the call screen. Alec didn't answered the call but rather let it hang waiting for answers. Magnus was wondering why he didn't answer to his mother's call and more intrigued why Alec look sad all of a sudden. Then Alec ended the call by pressing the side button and turn off his phone. He shoved it back into his pants and moved his head back to Magnus shoulders seeking comfort and his arm went to Magnus torso.

Magnus wrapped his arm around Alec's shoulder caressing his hair giving him a soft kiss on his forehead before he asked the million dollar question. "Why didn't you answered your mother call?" He was silenced for a while before he sighed and answered. "I don't want her to know. I'll send her a text later letting her know I'm okay. But I need this for myself. I need the truth and they have whole two years to do so. I need this." He explained and Magnus actually felt sorry for him. but he couldn't help but feeling relieve that Alec choose him over his family, for now.

Alec fell asleep again in the car and when they arrived at the hotel, he was beyond exhausted. Magnus didn't have a heart to wake him up but by accident a car honked right next to them, shot Alec from his sleep in a surprised. They both later settled in the presidential suite and when Alec saw the sight of the workers of this hotel when he settled in the room, it hits him. "You own this damn place didn't you?" Magnus chuckled before he went to the phone by the bedside and dialed up the operator, "Lisa can you bring what I asked you." He placed the phone and Alec walked around the large room taking in everything he could take. He opened the curtain and New York view of the skyscraper with the view of the afternoon sky was breathtaking but Alec got a pounding headache and he had to lay on the bed for a while. He doesn't like long travels and he hated air travel.

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