Part 28

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Warning, mature content ahead.

"You're such a tease when you fought back Alexander."

"You think you are strong enough to fight me?"

Alec could feel hot breaths on his neck just like it was really happening to him. He couldn't differentiate whether or not is this a dream. He felt trap, he know he is in a house but unfamiliar with the scent. He could see faces in front of him but he couldn't make out the exact person.

"Alexander" the person called but Alec dismissed the voice in his head and refused to find out whom the voice belongs to.

"Alexander." The person called out again and again the image came through in front of him. Tall man, dark brown hair, unlike before he could see Liam's face, but now he saw a different person. He felt strange hand creeping up to his neck and gripped it tight. As he tried to open his eyes, he fought on trying to breath, he fought the tightness he felt in his throat. He couldn't bare to open his eyes to see the person stood in front of him and for whatever reason this person has, he wouldn't dare to find out. But somehow curiosity kills him and he saw the person clear as water. It was his boss, Shane. His face is a mess, his eyes blood red and his mouth is seeping with blood. "You're gonna pay." He said and Alec gasped as both of his hand shot to his neck chocking him.


"Alexander! Wake up!"

"Wake up!"

Alec shot up from his nightmare and sat, his chest moves like he's been running and his breaths heaves in fear. "Alec." He looked to his side and saw Magnus sat beside him looking worried as ever. He didn't think twice before he falls on Magnus embrace. He seek his safe haven whenever he saw Magnus and he wasn't wrong, Magnus is his safe haven. "Sh, sh, its okay, I'm right here. I'm so sorry Alec I should have told you sooner. It won't happened if I didn't stop it earlier." Magnus said and Alec immediately pulls away from his embrace and faced Magnus, "What are you talking about?" Alec asked confusedly. He saw how Magnus sighed and tries to hide away his emotion but Alec pulls him back. "What are you not telling me?" He asked furiously.

Magnus shook his head and sighed, he doesn't want Alec to be more upset but he is already upset enough after what happened. "Nick has a reputation of sexual harassing his staffs at work, mostly interns and he always got away with it. He was reported of abused and raped but was release due to not enough evidence. All of his victim refused to confess for some reason." By the time Magnus explained to Alec he was furious than ever. He stood up raising himself from the bed and paced around the room.

"You knew and yet you let me work with him? What the hell is wrong with you?" He screamed, "I did asked you to change but you refused remember? Who's fault at that?" Magnus says defensively and Alec scoffed. "You! Obviously! If you'd have told me I won't have it either way! I'm not stupid Magnus!" Alec stated, he couldn't believe Magnus blamed him even though deep down, he was at fault too. "I know you're not a freaking stupid Alexander! But in my defense I did try to ask you to change it but you won't listen. You and your hard headed never ends, its just -" Magnus held himself before he said something he'll regret so he kept his mouth shut. He saw Alec was a sinking mess holding his head in his hand while he sat down on the edge of the bed, his back is facing Magnus and he doesn't really want to fight him anymore further.

Magnus went to Alec and kneeled before him, he placed his hand on Alec's wrist pulling his hand away from his face so he could see Alec's beautiful face. Tears streaming on Alec's face and his cheek is glistening with it. He sobs looking at Magnus in front of him but when Magnus wiped his tears away, he felt calm and pulled himself together. "Was I this mess when you met me?" He asked softly. Magnus sighed before he stood and sat beside him. Alec tilted his body a bit on the side so he could face him.

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