1 ~ what are you glaring at?

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So I just wanted to say that this is the only chapter about the holiday between the 4th and 5th year. It's just a small introduction chapter to set the mood and stuff! I hope you guys will enjoy it!


You stared at the Malfoy manor. It was dark and cold outside. You were enjoying it. Of course you had to join your parents. They could have let you stayed at home. It wasn't like they were going to pay you much attention anyways.

The relationship between you and your family was odd. They were proud followers of Voldemort. A proud line of pureblood Slytherins. They hated every other bloodtype and house.

You were a Ravenclaw. Pushed away by your family for being one. You became friend with the golden trio, which wasn't really appreciated either. Seeing what Harry went through, you despised voldemort. At home you had no sense of belonging. Your family literally hated you.. although they still seemed to feel a little responsible for you, seeing that they pulled you with them everywhere they went.

Your older brother, Nik, was complete different. He graduated Hogwarts recently. You weren't sure if he was a death eater yet or not but he wanted to be one. You knew he wanted to.

'Keep walking.' Your mother sighed while passing you.

You followed her inside. You had been here before. The Malfoys were great friends with your parents. You did know Draco but you two hardly ever spoke. He seemed to hate you too.

You followed your family down the hall. The Malfoys were waiting in the living room. They said hello to each other with hugs. Lucius passed you a look when he saw you.

'You're still here?' He asked.

'She's not joining. She knows she can't. The dark Lord doesn't even want her to.' Your mother said.

'I guess she can stay here with Draco.'

You looked at Draco. Even though he always looked rather annoyed, there was something that always appealed you. It were his grey, almost silver eyes and his blonde, almost snow white hair. The colour both reminded you of a cosy winter night. Draco looked back at you.


'No Draco. I've made it perfect clear.'

He rolled his eyes and walked over to the couch while everyone walked away. You watched him sit down.

'What are you glaring at?' He hissed.

You didn't answer and sat down in a chair near him. Around folk like this you never spoke much. You were always afraid that you were going to say the wrong thing.

'Nik, we want to have a word with you.' You heard your mother say.

Draco watched you as you looked up. You turned your head to the door the sound was coming from.

'The dark Lord has risen again.' Your mother said

Harry had been claiming that. Your fourth year ended a few weeks ago. Of course you believed him.. the rest didn't.

'We've already been in contact with him. It's only beneficial that no one believes a word Potter and Dumbledore say.' Your mother continued. 'Seeing that you graduated Hogwarts, it's now your turn to join us. You'll officially become a death eater tomorrow.'

You couldn't believe this. He was praised for that. That was how your family worked.

'Nik is joining the gang. It's a surprise he managed to stay clear from that all this time.' Draco said.

'I guess.' You just said.

You sighed and leaned back in your chair. You couldn't believe that you were going to spend an entire holiday here. It was going to be boring.

The door opened, your parents and Nik walked out. They passed you without even saying anything. They tried to avoid talking to you.

The hard part for you was that you remembered what it was like to be appreciated and accepted by your family. Until you were 11, you had been their angel. You had a beautiful life. Now you were just some unwanted pet that they fed every once in a while. Sometimes you wished you could go back to that time.

'Entertain me.' Draco then said.

You looked at him.

'Excuse me?'

'I'm bored. Do something stupid.'

'You're unbelievable.' You said.

'How am I unbelievable.'

'You never speak to me and then you say: entertain me? Are you kidding me?'

'Our parents are going to be busy all through the rest of the holiday. We're going to have to entertain each other. Not that I like that. I'd rather not spend my time with a disgusting Ravenclaw.'

'Then how about you don't?' You asked while getting up. 'You don't have to spend time with me. I don't want to look at your irritated face all day.'

'Pissing you off is amusing enough.' Draco smirked.

'Wipe that disgusting smirk off your face, Malfoy. I'm not going to let the rest of my holiday be ruined by you.'

You reached for your bags and picked them up. Draco kept his eyes on you. You could just feel it. You turned around.

'What are you glaring at?' You asked while grabbing your bag.

He rolled his eyes. You couldn't believe his attitude. You weren't looking forwards to spending time with him this holiday. Not at all.

You decided to go upstairs. You found an empty room to stay in and put your bags down. You closed the door and took a deep breath.

Maybe you could have fun here. On your own. You sat down on the bed. It was comfortable. You laid down for a moment. You had no idea what was going to happen this holiday. Probably a lot concerning the dark Lord. So nothing that had to do with you.

'Y/N.' You heard downstairs.

You made your way to the stairs.

'Didn't I tell you to stay down with Draco?' Your mother asked.

'I was just putting my bags away, mother.' You said.

'Then put away ours too, You're not busy anyways.'

You knew that arguing with them wasn't the best idea. You stepped downstairs and grabbed your mother's bags. You could hardly lift those up. She always brought a lot.

You had to come back for your father's and brothers bags. You hated this. So much.. but it was basically what you expected from them. When you were finally down, you looked at Draco. He watched you at the end of the hallways.

'I bet you're enjoying this.' You said before walking into your room and closing the door.

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