37 ~ this was it

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'Y/N, Draco.'

You and Draco both looked up. It was a day before the supposing war had to start. Was this the point where they were going to tell you?

'Yes?' You said to your parents.

They sat down opposite of you two. You sat a little closer to Draco. You two had been preparing yourselves. Perfecting your spells and working on apparating.

'Tomorrow we'll be leaving to Hogwarts. It'll be your time to show what your worth. I expect you two to fight and behave. Then you wont get in any trouble. Understood?'

You both just nodded. They got up and left again. That was it? That was all they wanted to tell you?

'I'm so glad we prepared already if that's all they're going to say.' Draco said.

You grinned.

'I was thinking the same thing.'

Draco sighed and sat back a little.

'Are we even ready for this?' You asked him.

Draco looked at you. Of course you were scared.. but you had Draco with you. That was all you needed. You both had to stay safe.

'We are. I'm sure.'

Draco wrapped an arm around you. You sighed and grabbed his hand. Draco felt bad to see you like this..


You were sitting on the edge of Draco's bed. You had your wand in your hand and you were staring at the ground while Draco fixed his tie.

'Y/N! Draco! Let's go!'

Draco looked at you. You looked up at him. He saw the sadness and fear in your eyes. He slowly walked towards you and pressed his lips against your forehead.

'I'll be with you, I promise. Come on, we have to go.'

You nodded and got up. You held his hand while walking downstairs. There were so many death eater downstairs that it scared you. Your mother grabbed your hand.

'You're coming with me.' She said before separating you two.

You didnt know where you were. It was late and dark. Everyone was slowly arriving. Draco did too. He found his way towards you right away.

'Start walking.' Your father said to you two.

You nodded and started. All you heard was the other footsteps of the death eaters infront of you. You heard leaves and stones underneath your shoes. Draco grabbed your hand. You held it tightly. Your breath was shivering from both the cold and the nerves.

No one dared to talk. You all followed the dark lord. You had never see this many people together. They all supported him. You were all the way at the back. Top scared to join the rest at the front. This was safer.

You saw Hogwarts up ahead. It was surrounded by a shield... It was blue and glinstering a bit.

Hogwarts.. it was silly to see. It made you wonder if you made the right choice. Things were normal back then. Your family hated you but you had friends, you had a peaceful life. You never knew you would be standing here with all these death eaters.

You couldn't turn back. You made your choice. This was it and you were gonna stand with it.

Voldemort stepped forwards and looked at Hogwarts. He held the elder wand tightly in his hand. Everyone stood around him in half a circle. Bellatrix stepped forwards a bit.

Voldemort screamed and cased a spell at the shield. Blue light was admitted from it. Small cracks became visible in the shield and some parts even broke off.

Voldemort pulled back and looked at his wand for a while. The shield turned orange and yellow. It was weakened. You didnt know how much.

You pulled Draco back into the crowd. You didnt want to stand out. You didnt want to be visible or at the front. You stared at the sky and then at Draco.

'Thank you.' You said.

Draco looked at you.

'For what?'

'For loving me. For accepting me. If we die here I just want you to know I'm thankful for you and everything you've done for me.'

'We wont die. I'll make sure we wont.'

You sighed he just didnt want to see it. He didnt want to face the possibility that you could. You knew it was scary to face but you had to. They all wanted you dead.

'What if we can't stick together. What if you can't protect me?'

'Don't say that.' Draco said.


'Stop it.'

You sighed and turned to him. You laid his hand on his face and forced him to look at you. He laid his forehead against yours.

'I know it hurts to think about.. but we have to.'

'I know..'

'Just know I love you.'

Draco sighed and kissed you. You kissed him back and held him tightly. He pulled back and looked you in your eyes.

'I love you too. I really do.'

You stared at the front for a moment. You took a deep breath and held on to your wand tightly. Draco kissed your hand and pulled you closer to him.

'I will be there for as long as I can.' He said. 'I promise. I want you to make it out of here alive.'

'Don't forget to think about yourself. Don't do anything for me. Don't risk your life for me.'

Draco looked at his parents. He shook his head and looked back at you.

'You have your life ahead of you. Mine was over when I was born. I'm a Malfoy. No one is ever gonna want anything to do with me.'

You grabbed his hands and turned to him. You kissed his cheek.

'I do. Malfoys are secretly softies.. or maybe that's just you.'

Draco grinned and hugged you. You hugged him back and held him tightly. This could be the last hug you'd share. You tried your best to stay strong.

'Y/N, Draco..'

You two let each other go and looked at Narcissa.

'You two are gonna stay here with our group. We're gonna apparate in.'

You two nodded and watched the first groups of death eater leave. This was it..

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