29 ~ secrets

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'Have you seen Draco?'

Luna looked up from her book. You had been mending the cabinet and afterwards, you went to look for him. You didn't know where he was.

You were now back in the ravenclaw common room where you found Luna. It had been a few days since you cursed Katie and it was weighing on you. You were slowly learning to live with it though.

'No.. I'm sorry.'

You sighed and sat down besides her.

'I haven't seen him all day.'

'Did you have breakfast with him?'

'I mean.. after that.'

'Oh... still haven't seen him. We're in the ravenclaw common room, so I dont think you'll find him here.'

You sighed and looked at the door.

'I'll go look for him again.. if you happen to see him, let him know I'm looking for him.'

You got up and started strolling down the halls again. Maybe he was in the dungeons. You had been there twice but.. maybe now?

You shouldn't be so worried about Draco but you were. It was nothing for him to just disappear.. you didn't have to sneak around and keep secrets because you were both death eaters. There were no secrets.

You then saw Draco. He was holding something. Like a flask?


He looked up. As soon as he saw you, he tried to hide what he was holding.

'I've been looking everywhere for you.. where have you been?'

'I've just been.. you know, mending the cabinet, minding my own business.'

'Minding your own business.. with a flask?' You asked.

He realised that you saw it. He moved it away from behind his back. He looked at it and then back up at you.

'Yeah, I thought.. if I get thirsty.. I have something to drink?'

This wasn't right. He was lying. Why was he lying to you? He never did that..

'Oh cool, can I have some?' You asked while reaching out to it.

'What? No. Why?' He asked while stepping back.

'Because I spend all day looking for you, so I didn't have time for a break?'

'I wouldn't drink this. You don't like it anyways.'

You looked at him and raised your brows.

'You smell that?' You asked.

Draco looked at you and sniffed for a little.

'Smell what?'

'You're lying! What is that, Draco?! What did you get yourself into?!'

'I'm not-'

'You are!'

Draco sighed. He looked at the flask and then back at you.

'It's a gift for someone.' He just said.

'A gift?' You asked.

He just nodded.

'So I'm going to give this to someone and then I'll be back.'

'To who are you going to give it?'

'Slughorn.' He shrugged.

You walked towards him and he took a step back right away. You looked at him. Draco could see that you didn't like this.

'Fine. Keep a secret from me.. I thought you'd never do that.'

You turned around and walked away. Draco sighed. He just wanted you to stay away from this. Of course, it was poisoned and a gift for Dumbledore.

He sneaked back into Slughorns room before heading out to find you again.



'No, it's fine. You do you, Draco. There was no point in coming to me when you want to mind your own business.' You said while walking away from him.

'Don't be like this.' Draco said while walking after you.

He grabbed your wrist. You turned around and pulled your arm back.

'We are busy with the exact same thing. How can you keep secrets from me?' You asked.

'Because I want to protect you!' He hissed. 'The flask contains poison, and it's a gift for Dumbledore.'

You looked at him in a bit of surprise.

'I know how bad you felt about cursing Katie and I didn't want you to be a part of this.. if it goes wrong again, you're going to feel even worse.'

That was actually really sweet. Now you felt horrible that you got mad.

'I'm sorry I got mad.' You said right away.

Draco didn't say anything and hugged you. You hugged him back.

'It's okay. I should've told you.'

You exhaled and held him tightly.

'I'm so done.'

'Just a few more weeks.'

'I know.'

Draco let you go and kissed you shortly.

'Y/N!' Luna yelled while running over to you.

She seemed to be in a bit of panic. Draco let you. She stopped in front of you.

'I know you don't like Harry and his friends anymore, but Ron got poisoned last night!'

That was exactly why Draco didn't want to tell you. It went wrong.. terribly wrong.


'He drank out of a gift from Slughorn to Dumbledore and apparently, it was poisoned.'

'T-That's awful. I hope he's okay.'

'Harry managed to save him. He's in the hospital wing.' Luna explained. 'Someone is trying to kill Dumbledore though.. that's pretty serious.'

'Yeah, it really is. Thank you for telling me. I'll talk to you later. Me and Draco were going to.. the library.'

'Alright.. see you later.'

You grabbed Draco's wrist and pulled him with you.

'No more tricks. We just have to face him. We're harming innocent people!' You hissed.

'Okay, deal.' Draco said right away. 'I promise.'

You let him go and stopped for a moment.

'What did we get ourselves into?' You asked. 'We're going to get caught some day. You know we are.'

'No, because we're going to stop. Stop with the tricks and focus on that cabinet.'

You nodded and grabbed his hand. Draco smiles and tangled his fingers with you. Luckily, he was there to get you through this.

'It's okay. We're going to make it.'

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