11 ~ stop it

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I love writing chapters like this! Thought I'd throw one in :D. Enjoy!


You walked downstairs the next morning. You saw Draco sitting on the couch. He smiled when he saw you. You were still wearing the bracelet Draco gave you. You valued it..

'Goodmorning.' He said.

'Goodmorning.' You smiled.

He was actually glad you were responding. You sat down besides him and snatched the daily profit from his hands.

'I was reading that.' He sighed.

'And now I am.' You grinned.

Draco looked past the decorations and noticed that yours was missing.. but he decided not to say anything.

'Do you want tea?' He asked.

'Sure. Just gray tea is okay.' You smiled.

Draco got up and walked into the kitchen. Your parents were there.

'Goodmorning, Draco.' Your mother said.

'Goodmorning.' He politely replied.

He saw your father holding the decoration with your photo in it.

'We should've gotten rid of it to begin with.' He sighed.

Draco listened while making the tea.

'Just throw it out.' Your mother said.

Your father threw it into the trash and Draco swore he heard it break. He didn't get how heartless they were. He knew his father wasn't always proud of him but he wasn't this heartless.

They walked away after some more talking. Draco grabbed his wand and reached for a piece of the decoration.

'Reparo.' He spoke softly.

It restored itself in his hand. He grabbed the drinks and took them back to the living room. He saw you looking at the wall opposite of you.

'They got rid of it..' You sighed.

'Yeah..' Draco said.

He handed you your tea and handed the decoration to you.

'I got it back for you. I thought maybe you'd want to keep it.'

You smiled and grabbed it from him.

'Thanks.' You put it down on the couch besides you. Draco grabbed the daily profit back from you. You smiled and shook your head.

'Don't you need to get breakfast?' Draco asked you.

'Probably. First I need to drink my morning tea.'

'Alright.' Draco chuckled.

You took a sip of your tea. Narcissa walked into the room and smiled.

'Good morning, you two.'

You looked at her.

'Goodmorning.' You smiled.

'Hi mum.' Draco said.

'You two seem cheerful today. Good to see that you're feeling better, Y/N.'

She walked into the kitchen.

'My mum likes you.' Draco pointed out.

'Does she?'


'Well at least someone does.' You said while getting up.

'I don't think you're horrible.'

You smiled but wouldn't show that to him.

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