40 ~ accepted

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The next chapter will be the last chapter! So enjoy!


You were still holding on to Draco as you saw the death eaters in the distance. They were heading back. This all made you tired. You were exhausted. You leaned against Draco who held you tightly.

'Hold on. Itll be over soon.' He smiled before kissing the top of your head.

'Who's that? Who's that Hagrids carrying?' You heard Ginny ask.

The death eaters were getting closer. You saw Draco's parents and your parents. Hagrid was carrying someone indeed.. harry?

'Neville, who is it?' She asked.

'Harry Potter is dead!' Voldemort screamed.

'NO!' Ginny yelled while running forwatds.

Voldemort stopped her with a spell and she was pulled back. You stared at the group. This wasn't going to be nice.

'Silence. Stupid girl! Harry Potter is dead!' He spoke while stepping forwards. 'From this day forth, you'll put your faith in me.' He spoke while pointing at himself.

He smiled and turned around to speak to the group behind him. You held Draco tighly. You belonged to that dark.. scary group. You still couldn't believe you fought with them. 

'Harry Potter is dead!' He shouted happily.

They all started laughing. Epesically Bellatrix.

'And now it's time to declare yourself. Come forwards and join us... or die.' He spoke.

'Y/N..' your mother said.

You looked at her. This was it. The ultimate acceptance. Your chance to finally be a part of your family. You stood up and slowly let Draco go.

Draco looked at you. He didn't want you to do this. You were going to ruin your life. You took a deep breath and walked throught the crowd. Draco followed you.

'Y/N.' Draco said.

You didnt listen. Your parents smiled as they saw you. Even your brother smiled at you. You stopped. Everyone was looking at you. You wanted to step forwards but Draco grabbed your wrist.

You turned around and looked at him with a questioning look.

'Let me go.' You hissed.

'No.' he snapped.

'Don't ruin this for me. This is my chance to be a part of my family. Please Draco.'

'Draco, my boy.. let her go and join her.' Voldemort grinned.

Draco looked at him and then at you. He grabbed your other wrist and held them tightly.

'Y/N.. this is not who you are. Dont do this I'm begging you. I've always accepeted you. Always. Even if you don't do this is promise I'll accept you. I'll keep you safe, I'll keep accepting you until the day I die. Please.' He begged you.

'Dont listen to him! We are your parents.' Your mother hissed.

'They never loved you and they never will. They don't know you like do, they don't love you like I do. No matter how hard you try they will never love or accept you but I will.. if you go with me. I promise you Y/N. Please.'

You looked at him and then back at your parents. It hit you. Hard.. Draco was right.. you became a death eater but still your parents were cold to you. Draco had always accepeted you. Even though you didnt want to be what you were.. he was all you had. You had no family. You had nothing else but him. He was your everything.

He always accepted you and he would be the only one who ever would. Why would your parents suddenly change because of a mark?

Draco let you go but you grabbed his hand and took him back into the crowd. Spells flew at you but Hermione, Ron, Ginny and Neville defended you.

Draco took you to the far back of the crowd. Shielded and safe.

'I always knew you were weak!' Your dad hissed at you.

'Rather weak than unloved!' You yelled back.

It was quiet. Neville decided to step forwards. He was lumping a little. You held onto Draco. You hadn't said a word since.

'Well, I must say I'd hoped for better.' Voldemort spoke. 

You heard laughing. They were mocking him.

'And who might you be, young man?' He asked. 

'Neville Longbottom.'

He couldn't do this. You just said no what was he going to do? Sacrifice himself to Voldemort? Neville wasn't like that.. right?

'Well, Neville, I'm sure we can find a place for you in our rank.'

'I'd like to say something.' He interrupted him.

'Well, Neville, I'm sure we'd all be fascinated to hear what you have to say.'

'It doesn't matter that Harry is gone.' He started.

Ouch. That was a little mean..

'Stand down Neville!' Seamus spoke.

'People day everyday! Friends, family. Yeah... We lost Harry tonight. He's still with us. In here.' Neville pointed at his heart and looked at the students.

That was true. You were on the good side now so.. go harry! You looked at him. It was sad to see Harry like that. He was the only hope of the wizarding world. To see him that lifeless.. it was horrible.

'So as Fred, Remus, Tonks... All of them.' He continued. 'They didn't die in vain. But you will! Because you're wrong! Harrys heart did beat for us! For all of us! And now it's over!' Neville yelled while grabbing the sword of gryffindor from the hat he was holding.

Harry dropped to the ground. You gasped and let go of Draco. He was alive. Harry was alive. He got up and grabbed a wand while approaching nagini.

'Confringo!' Harry yelled and he shot flames at it.

Everyone started running and so did you. Draco grabbed you and pulled you around the side of the castle.

'What are you doing?!'

'Let's go. Let's get out of here. This isnt our fight anymore!'

'And leave them to struggle alone?!' You hissed.

'Its not leaving them alone, we have to save ourself. Lets go and restart. Please Y/N..'

You looked at him. Draco grabbed your hand. You looked back as the door to the castle closed. You nodded. You and Draco ran after Narcissa and Lucius, who were also running..

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