34 ~ information

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The death of that woman had played itself for the 100th time. It was past midnight and Draco was asleep next to you. You looked at him for a moment. He didn't seem bothered at all.. you knew he was deep inside though.

You didn't want to wake him. You just looked at him. It calmed you down. You smiled a little. You sat up for a moment and left the bed with as little noise as possible.. yet draco couldn't help but notice you getting up.

'Where are you going?' He mumbled still half asleep.

'I couldnt sleep.. didn't mean to wake you.'

Draco moved the sheets aside, showing you that he wanted you to lay back down. You sighed and climbed back in bed. Draco wrapped you in his arms and kissed the top of your head.

'I didn't mean to-'

'Shhh..' he said.

'But I-'


Why was he shushing you? Draco pulled your head against him.

'Close your eyes.' He said.

'Draco I-'

'Close your eyes.'

You sighed and closed your eyes. You felt yourself calming down in his arms. You felt safe and secure with him.

'Now.. you're going to sleep.'

'But I-'

'Stop saying that.. you're okay, we're okay.. it's all okay. Just.. sleep.'

You sighed. He was completely right. It was all okay.. it wasnt like you killed anyone. Draco gently stroke your back while you started to drift away.

It was a good sleep until you were woken up by a knock on the door. You head Draco yawn and sigh besides you. Apperently he was also still asleep until someone woke you up.

'Y/N?' You heard your mother asked.

'Yes.' You said.

'Please get ready.. someone wants to talk to you.'


You sat up and stretched for a moment. Who wanted to talk to you? Why did they even want to talk to you? You managed to get yourself out of bed. Draco watched you walk around the room and getting dressed in one of your favourite dresses.

'Enjoying the view?' You asked when you noticed him looking at you.

You walked over to him.

'Always.' He grinned before kissing you.

'You stay here, I'll be right back.' You smiled at him.

You fixed your hair before walking downstairs. Your parents were waiting there.

'Good morning.' You said.

'Good morning.' Your parents returned.

You stepped down the final steps of the stairs.

'Who wants to talk to me?' You asked right away.

'The dark lord. It's about Harry.'

Voldemort wanted to speak to you? That was extreme.. you didnt want to come across as nervous and just kept your straight face.

'Alright.' You just said.

You headed into the right room. Your parents didnt even join. It was just going to be you and Voldemort. He was facing the door with his back. Nagini was right besides him.

'You wished to see me, my lord.' You said.

Voldemort turned around right away. He stepped a little closer to you, nagini following his steps.

'Yes, indeed.' He responded.

You kept your cool while standing there. You waited for him to ask you what he wanted to know. In that way this could end quickly. Voldemort was intimidating. You didnt want to piss him off by saying something wrong.

'I wanted to talk about.. Harry Potter with you.'

'Alright, my lord. What is it you seek to know?'

'You used to be friends with Potter, am I right?'

'Yes, my lord. I used to be.. not anymore.'

You didn't know why he wanted to know that. Probably to get some information out of you. You didn't know much about where they were or what they were doing.

'You still know a lot about him, information that can be important for my army.' He said.

'I know things about him.. what information interests you?'

Voldemort was glad to see you cooperate. He thought you were a nice addition to hid team. A real Y/L. He didn't see the struggles you were facing. You could always stay strong in front of him and not show your doubt.

'Harry Potter is hiding.. where do you think he is?'

'Knowing Harry he is probably staying in either a safe house.. or in a place close to his goal.'

'His goal?' Voldemort asks.

'Harry is on the move.. he must be looking for something, he must have a goal.. he must have found something which will help him along the way.' You said. 'His true goal is to defeat you, my lord. I feel like he found a way to do that.. and he's on a mission to get what ever that is.'

That made him realise something.

'Y/N.. you have proven to be very useful.' He said.

'That's good to hear, my lord.'

Useful? You just said what you thought. You heard it around the house.. that Harry was hiding and moving.. you thought that that was what was going on. Didn't he realise that himself?

'That was all the information I need. You can leave me.'

'Alright.. goodbye, my lord.'

You turned around and walked out. You closed the door behind you. Your parents looked at you. They were curious, you knew they were.

'He got what he needs.' You shrugged while passing them.

Your parents were surprised. They didn't think it would go that easy. You headed back up the stairs. Draco had just finished getting dressed.

'Hi.' You said while entering his room.

You closed the door behind you, walked over to the bed and sat down with a sigh.

'How did it go?' He asked.

'Great. Voldemort wanted some information on Harry.. he got what he needed. Called me useful. I think I'm doing okay.'

'I told you that yesterday.'

You smiled at him. He sat down besides you and kissed you. You kissed him back right away.

'What was wrong last night?' He asked.

'I couldn't sleep. Couldn't stop thinking about that woman that got killed.' You sighed. 'I have to get used to the killing.'

Draco wrapped an arm around you.

'It would be weird if you were used to it.'

You laid your head on his shoulder. He stroke your arm and smiled.

'I'm proud of you.' He said.

'Why?' You grinned.

'You're strong. You're keeping yourself together.. and I love you for that.'

'I wouldn't be able to do that without you.'

It was true. Draco was strong and that kept you strong. He was used to this for all of his life. You just threw yourself in there. You loved it that Draco was there for you.

'We make each other stronger.' Draco smiled.

'Definitely. I think that's the power of love.'

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