14 ~ we can't

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'Y/N! Focus! This is the third time I'm telling you.' Harry sighed.

You looked up at him. You were surrounded by the rest of the D.A.

'I'm sor-'

'Just focus. This is not like you.'

'I said I'm sorry. Everyone can have an off day.' You sighed.

'Are you going to have an off day when voldemort is trying to kill you?!'

Hermione grabbed Harry's sleeve.

'Calm down.' She said.

You couldn't help it. The conversation with Draco was stuck in your head. You finally thought that someone accepted you but he chickened out.. if he even liked you. You walked away for a moment, out of the room of requirement.

You leaned against the wall for a moment. You took a deep breath and sighed. Luna walked out of the room of requirement and leaned against the wall besides you.

'Are you okay?' She asked.

'Yeah, I'm fine.'

'Harry probably didn't mean it that way. We all need each other at the D.A. He just wants you to be at your best.'

'Well maybe I can't be at my best all the time.'

'No one is asking you to be.. but we can all see that something is up. Do you want to talk about it? We might be able to find a solution.'

'I don't think there will be a good solution for this.. but thank you for the offer.'

'There doesn't always have to be a solution. Just talking sometimes helps too.'

'It'll be okay. Thank you. I'll keep in mind that I can come to you.'

She smiled at you.

'I'll go back now. I think Harry still wants to talk to you. Keep your cool, okay?'

You nodded. She walked back inside. It didn't take long for Harry to come outside. You looked at him.

'I'm sorry if I said something to upset you '

'No it's fine. You're right.' You said while looking away from him. 'I should be at my best all the time. Or at least not drop the ball like this. I just don't think it's the best if I stay with you guys.' You sighed.

'No! So you had an off day, it's okay.'

'It's not. With what's going at my place.. with my parents and everything-'

'They don't determine what you are.' Harry said.

You looked at him.

'They do. They do and it gets more dangerous for me to do this. I just don't know what to do.'


'Let me think about it.' You said.

It was quiet for a moment.

'Are you coming back inside?' Harry asked.

'I think it's been enough for me for today. I might be back tomorrow.' You said.

Harry nodded and walked back inside. You stepped away from the wall and headed back. You looked at the ground while heading back.

Was there a way for you to be accepted by everyone you wanted to be accepted by? Draco, your parents.. You really didn't know what to do.

You didn't watch where you were going. You bumped into someone. You looked up and looked straight into the gray eyes you adored. You didn't say anything. You just stepped back.

It was quiet for a moment. Even Draco didn't leave he saw that you were sad. He knew you probably did that to him. He wished that he could chance that. He could but he wouldn't allow himself to.

'I'm sorry.' You then said. 'About bumping into you.. but you know.. About everything. I shouldn't have done anything. I shouldn't have tried to be friends with you.'

Draco didn't say anything.

'I know you don't want to talk to me but you can't just stay quiet forever.' You said. 'I just needed someone. I still need someone.. but I guess you don't care about that.'

You sighed and walked past him when he still didn't say anything.

'Y/L.' He said.

You couldn't believe he was saying your last name again. You stopped and turned to him.

'Don't beat yourself up about this. It hasn't even been that long since we even started hanging out.'

'You really don't get it, do you?' You snorted. 'You accepted me while no one else did. You gave me this.'

You showed him the bracelet you were still wearing every day. Draco was kinda surprised that you even still wore that.

'We became friends. We hung out every day. We talked about my parents. I could share my worries with you.. We kissed! You comforted me and you kissed me or I kissed you it doesn't matter who kissed who first.. We both kissed each other back. There is something here. There is something here which I haven't experienced in a long time. But you're just like everyone else.'

'I've told you that it's better like this. I can't help it either that you're in the situation you're in.'

'You only care about you image. You'll never be honest with me. The thing I hate most is that I don't even know whether you like me or not.'

Draco sighed.

'I apologised.'

'Because that makes everything better.'

'I can't change this.'

'You've told me that.'

Draco sighed again.

'I don't know what to say.'

'How about you tell me the truth.'

'Even if I did you would know it wouldn't change anything.'

'Stop saying that! It could change everything. I know you're not happy either, Draco. We could help each other feel happy!'

'We can't. Okay?! We can't. Let it go. Please.'

Draco started walking away.

'You can't just walk away when you don't like where a conversation is going! We can't leave this like this. We need to talk about this!'

Draco just kept walking. You hurried after him and grabbed his sleeve. Draco stopped and pushed you away.

'This is nothing like you. Stop it.' Draco hissed. 'Leave me alone.'

Draco walked away. You let him. You couldn't believe that you couldn't bring your point across. You let out a trusted sigh and walked away.

Accepted || Draco x reader (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now