18 ~ make me understand

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Draco turned around and looked at you. He smiled a little when he saw you.

'Hey.' He smiled.

'Hi.' You said a little nervously.

Draco just looked at you. The light of the moon was shining through the open spaces onto the side or your face. It gave your face a beautiful look.

'I'm sorry if I look horrible.. I didn't really sleep well.' You said.

Draco grinned a little.

'So do I.. I was thinking about what I was going to say.. when you didn't show up, I just forgot..'

'Yeah, sorry I'm late.. I was just... doubting.'

Draco seemed a little surprised.

''Weren't you the one who wanted to talk to me?' He asked.

'I know.. it's just that all these talks did kinda disappoint me and I don't know if I can go through that again.. So I was thinking maybe it should let it go.'

'Yet you can't..'

'No.. I did show up..'

Draco stepped away from the balcony and walked into the tower. You kept eye contact with him. He stopped in front of you.

'I just need you to let me finish talking before you say anything.. before you feel anything.'

You didn't get what he was aiming for.

'Listen Y/N.. you're right. You're absolutely right and I just didn't want to see it.'

You weren't entirely sure what he meant. Draco could see that you were.

'I'm sorry that I didn't want to be honest at first. I really do like you.'

You looked at him and felt a smile creep onto your face. He was finally admitting it.. He liked you! Your crush actually liked you!

'Really?' You asked. ' Draco-'

'Please, just.. let me talk for a moment.'

You shut your mouth and looked at him. You somehow managed to hold back your smile.

'I didn't want to see it because.. this can't happen. We can't be together..'

There it was. The new disappointment. You could have expected this.

'Are you serious?!' You asked.


'You admit you like me but we can't be together?! I am so stupid. I could've expected this.'

'Listen to me for a moment! Calm down.'

Draco walked closer to you but you stepped away from him. You knew what was going to happen if he got to close.

'Listen.. it's not you, it's also not me. It's my dad.. it's your parents.. it's voldemort.'

'Yeah, blame it on them.' You sighed.

'They won't approve.'

'So what?! You like me, right?'

'That's not the issue.'

'The issue is that you're constantly trying to find excuse to not be with me! You like me.. and that's okay, Draco! I like you too.. I like you too! Stop running from this and accept it!'

'No, you don't understand and that's the issue!' Daco yelled back at you.

He let out a frustrated sigh and sat down on a small edge for a moment. You looked at him. Were you not understanding? Maybe you had to hear him out.

You softened your posture and walked over to him. Draco was bending down and his head was in his hands. He seemed to clearly be bothered. You crouched down and laid your hand on his shoulder.

Draco looked at you. He leaned towards you and laid his head on your shoulder, and he dug his face in your neck, trying to find comfort from you. You gently laid your hand on the back of your neck.

'Make me understand.' You said.

'You'll hate me.'

'I could never.' You said.
Draco sat up again and looked at you.

'I'm going to become a death eater this holiday.. I don't want you to get involved. Seeing you're not at risk, my dad basically wants me to stay away from you. Voldemort might kill me if I talk to you.'

He had to become a death eater.. it surprised you a little, even though you could see it coming. Draco looked away from you. He seemed to be a little ashamed.

'Draco.. I want to help you. I can be there for you. This isn't something you have to do alone.' He said. 'I don't want you to wait for me. I don't want you to get involved. We can't be together.'

'I like you, Draco.. we can do this together..'

'We can't Y/N..'

'We can.' You said.

'We can't.. it's not possible.'

You looked at him.

'If you refuse to accept it.. You'll never be happy. Never in your life. I won't get involved if we date.. You just won't have to go through it alone.' You said. 'So as long as you don't want to put all of your effort into us. Into being happy.. I think we're done talking.'

Draco looked back at you.

'I don't want to be done talking.' He said.

'You're stopping this.' You said. 'You're stopping us.. it's not that I don't understand... I just.. when you hold back, we can't ever become what we can be. I just want to be there for you. Be your rock.. without becoming a death eater myself. That doesn't mean I have to get involved.. but you don't see that.'

'I don't want to put your life at risk.' He said.

'I know.. that means we can't be anything in your eyes and I need to accept that.. so we're done.'

Draco didn't say anything. You kissed his cheek. When you wanted to pull back he kissed you. You kissed him back but didn't make it last long.

'Please take care of yourself.' You said. 'And give this to your mum.'

You reached for your bracelet.

'Don't. Keep it. It's not like we're never going to see each other again.' Draco said. 'I don't want to entirely give up on this.'

'You still don't know what you want. That's the problem. I can't keep waiting, Draco.'

For his sake, you left the bracelet on. You got up and Draco watched you. You looked at him for a moment. It was difficult to walk away. You wanted to stay but you couldn't. You looked away from him.

Draco saw how hard it was for you. It wasn't easy for him either. He got up. You looked back at him.

'I'm sorry.' He said.

You looked at him.

'I know.. I just.. thank you for at least accepting me as I am.. even though we can't figure this out.' You spoke. 'At least I got to feel this for once. Everyone needs to be rejected once, right? Or multiple times..'

'It's not rejection.. because you're amazing. The timing just isn't.. optimal.'

'I say we say fuck it.. but that's just me.' You said. 'I hope you can make up your mind some day.'

Knowing that he was one of the best things that happened to you hurt you. The best thing in your life didn't work out. You felt like you were back at the start. It frustrated you.

Draco could see that you were emotional. It was clearly weighing on you. He decided to hug you. You didn't want all this but you embraced him.

'I hate you.' You said.

Draco chuckled a little but his smile faded fast.

'I like you too.' He said.

You let him go, past him a weak, sad smile and decided to walk away.

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