38 ~ somewhere safe

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You and Draco watched as people finally managed to storm in. You grabbed each other hand and Draco apparated you two into Hogwarts.

A battle scene had already formed. You looked around but Draco wouldn't let you. He pulled him with you towards the back.

'What are you doing?!' You asked.

'We are going to get my wand back.' Draco said.

He pulled you towards the room of requirement. One of the last horcruxes was here so it was predictable that Harry would go there.

On your way you came across Gregory and Vincent who decided to join. They had also become death eaters. It didn't take long before you saw Harry.

'What brings you here, Potter?' Draco asked.

You felt awful standing there. The choices you made were haunting you. You hated it.

'I could ask you the same.' Harry answered while stepping a bit closer.

He looked straight at you. You felt horrible.

'You have something of mine... I'd like it back.' Draco hissed.

'What's wrong with the one you have?' Harry asked.

It wasn't Draco wand. That was what's wrong. It didnt listen as good as his own. It didnt work good enough.

'It's my mothers... It's powerful... but it's not the same.' He replied. 'It doesn't quite understand me... you know what I mean.' He added.

'Why didn't you tell them?' He asked. 'Both of you.'

There was a short silence. Your hand was shaking as you pointed your wand at Harry.

'How did you end up here. I thought you were different.' Harry said.

'Stop talking. It's hard enough. You dont understand. Only in this life I'm truly accepted.'

'You knew it was me... you didn't say anything. To Bellatrix.'

Gregory stepped forwards a bit.

'Come on Draco...do it.' He whispered.

He wanted Draco to hurt him. He reached for his wand and held it tightly.

'Easy... easy...' Draco spoke softly while walking closer to Harry.

Harry looked at all four of you. This was torture. This wasnt what you wanted.

'Expelliarmus!' Hermione yelled and Dracos wand flew back.

You didn't even hear her come in. Draco pushed Vincent aside and ran back.

'Avada kedavra!' Gregory yelled.

Hermione blocked it. Vincent grabbed Gregory and ran away. Draco pulled you with him while you followed him.

'THAT'S MY GIRLFRIEND!' Ron yelled while running after you.

That was cute. They were a couple. How nice. Not the best timing but still nice. Gregory and Vincent turned around and so did you and Draco.

'Go away.' Vincent hissed at him.

'No! You tried to kill someone. Not just someone, my girlfriend!' He hissed.

Gregory used a spell. A large fire bird came out of his wand. It immediately sat the junk around you on fire. You let out a terrified scream. Draco grabbed your hand.

'Run.' Draco said.


You and Draco started running. You looked back and watched how more fire came from Gregorys wand. It was scaring you. You tried to shoot spells at it to make it disappear but it wouldn't.

The fire was already spreading fast. Draco let your hand go and and started climbing on one of the piles.

'Are you insane!?' You asked.

'We have to Y/N.'

You sighed and followed him. Gregory and vinces followed you. The pile was very unsteady in some places. It scared you. You looked around and all you could see what the fire surrounding you.

You were in panic mode. Your body clamped itself against the pile. Your eyes where wide, you were hyperventilating and your arms were shaking.

'Y/N..' Draco said.

'I-I don't want to die like this. Please Draco I cant do it.' You cried.

Draco offered you his hand. You slowly brought your shaking hand to his. He grabbed it helped you up.

'We have to go to the top. We cant sit here for ever. We have to Y/N. I'm with you, okay?',

You two slowly looked down. You watched as the other two tried to catch up. Right at that point Vincent lost his grip and plundered downwards.

'Vincent!' You yelled.

'Y/N, stop. We have to go up!'

You continued climbing with tears streaming down your face. Draco helped you and Gregory up the table that was at the top. Draco pulled you against him in a tight hug. But as soon as he did that the table fell forwards. You managed to hold on to the top and you were just hanging there.

'Draco if I die just known that I love you.' You cried.

'I love you too. So much. Just know that you never had to do this for me.'

Right at that point you saw Harry, Ron and Hermione flying their brooms towards you. You watched them.

'We're going to jump. It's going to be okay, I'll wait for you on the other side.'

Ron grabbed your hand and pulled you onto his broom. Harry was with Draco right infront of you. You held onto Ron as he flew out of the room and crashed down on the ground.

You just laid there while the golden trio ran off. You couldn't move, you were too shocked. Draco ran towards you and helped you sit up. Your entire body was shaking.

'We have to go somewhere safe.' Draco said.

He held your hand as he pulled you into the corridor. Your knee was scraped and you couldn't think straight but you trusted that Draco knew what he was doing..

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