17 ~ Draco..

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'I mean.. I don't know if I should.' You sighed.

Luna looked at you and then at the note you were holding. Suddenly you were doubting every thing.

Draco gave the note to you. Of course, Luna didn't know. She knew it was "the one guy" you liked. You needed some advice. That didn't mean she could know how it was.

'He wants to talk to you. Who knows what he's going to say.'

'He could just be like every other time though. How do I know that it'll be different?'

'Well, you've been waiting for him to talk to you, right?' She asked.

You nodded.

'Then why shouldn't you go. It's the only way to know what he wants to say.'

You looked at the note and put it into the little cupboard besides your bed.

'I just don't want to be disappointed.'

You let out a tiny sigh and looked at the sheets. You kinda played with it a little.

'Who says you'll be disappointed?'

You looked at Luna and didn't say anything.

'That's why you should go. Else you'll never know.'

You covered yourself with your sheets.

'Maybe I'll go. I don't know.'

'You have a day to decide.'

You didn't know why you were doubting all of a sudden. The last time you spoke to Draco, he seemed too soft and willing to talk.. yet your heart couldn't really believe that. He hurt you..

You were curious. You hated that you were. He wanted to meet you tomorrow night.. at the astronomy tower.

'Who even is this guy?' Luna asked.

'That's not important.'

You switched off the light and turned your back towards Luna. You guys were sleeping before your roommates were. You just knew it was going to take ages to fall asleep with everything that was going on in your mind.

What did he even want from you? That was the problem.. He wouldn't tell you. Maybe he would tomorrow.. He was the one asking if you could take it.

Thinking about this all made you feel nervous. You were wide awake and that wasn't going to change..


'You look awful.'

'Shut up.'

You hadn't slept all night and Luna could see it. That didn't mean she had to bring it up though.

'Did you sleep?'

'Shut... up.' You hissed while turning to her. 'Don't bring it up, okay? I'm already insecure about it.'

You turned around to continue walking.

'I'm guessing you're going to see Draco then?'

Your eye widened and you turned around. Luna covered her mouth and got a little red.

'What did you do?!' You asked.

'So I kinda.. might have.. read your note... this morning.'

'No! No.. No, this isn't happening. Why would you do that?!'

'Well, it was on your cupboard and I thought it was something else.. I'm sorry!' She said.

'Oh my.. I can't right now.'

'But seriously, Draco?' Luna asked softly.

You grabbed her arm and pulled her with you into a broom closet.

'Don't you say a word about it to anyone.' You hissed.

'I won't!' She said right away. 'But Draco? Seriously?'

'You don't know what happened during the holiday.. You wouldn't understand.'

'Maybe I will. Y/N, I'm not someone to judge. I just want to know why him.'

You sighed and leaned against the door.

'Well, you know about my parents.' You said.

'I do..' she said.

'Well, Draco at first made fun of it until he went too far. I hadn't spoken to him at all. I didn't get anything for Christmas so Draco gave me a bracelet, which he wanted to give to his mum.'

You showed her the bracelet.

'That is mental..' Luna said while looking at it. 'How expensive was that?!'

You didn't answer and covered it back again.

'We started talking more and we became friends.. when everything got a little too much for me, Draco came to comfort me and we.. kissed.'

'You kissed?! You kissed Draco?!'

'I don't know who kissed who. It isn't important. He told me to leave him alone but I can't. I can't leave him alone because he accepted me when no one else did.'

'You should go. You should talk to him.'

You looked at her. She wasn't telling you how wrong it was? How you might not be a match, how incredibly stupid you were?


'You should talk to him. You obviously like him and you seem to have some kind of thing with him. You should talk to him.'

'You don't think it's dumb? Or that I'm crazy? Or that he's not good for me?'

'No. I'm your friend. I would never say that.'

You smiled and hugged her. She hugged you back and smiled.

'Thank you.'

'No problem.' She smiled.

You took her out of the broom closet. You quickly hurried towards your class.


You look out of the window of your room. All your roommates were asleep. The moonlight was bright and the stars were beautiful.

You were about to leave. You were going to see Draco. Luna convinced you. You were nervous. Your heart was beating fast and you were almost afraid that it would be so loud that you'd wake everyone up. You were sweating a little and you were breathing faster than usual.

You were just praying that he'd say: I like you too, I want us to be together. Or: you're right, I can't hide this anymore.

Would that happen? You would also be happy with a: let's see where it goes. You had no idea what he was going to say. He could also completely break your heart and turn it to dust. That was a nice thought as well.

You got up and walked out of your room. You closed the door softly, making sure no one would hear you. You sneaked out of the common room.

You were kinda scared. You never got into trouble and this could get you into serious trouble. No one could see you.

You were already late. You hoped he was still there. It just took you a while to find the way to the dark castle. You were using lumos, but that didn't help a lot.

A cold wind greeted you as soon as you stepped outside. You saw the astronomy tower ahead of you. You started walking towards it.

With every step, you could feel the nerves taking over you. You felt a little sick because of it. You had to go through with it. You needed an answer. It was enough. You couldn't live like this anymore.

You stopped infront of the tower for a moment. You took a deep breath and opened the door. Your legs carried you upstairs. You were relieved when you saw the person you were looking for.

'Draco..' You said.

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