41 ~ forever

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19 years later

'Alright, remember: write me us and have a lot of fun there.' You smiled at your son.

Draco crouched down next to you. After the wizarding war, life had been crazy. You got married to Draco, patched things up with his family.. you never saw nor spoke to your family since. You lived with him in the manor and got a son called Scorpius who was leaving to Hogwarts today.. you also had a daughter called Lena. She was at home with Lucius and Narcissa.

Scorpius looked like Draco. He was a mini him and you loved it. Today he was going to go on his own adventure. You were proud of him.

Your dark marks turned into a scar. It was a reminder of all your bad choices but also about how brave you were for choosing the good side.

'I will mum.' He smiled.

'We will be here to pick you up for christmas, alright.' Draco followed.

'I'll miss you guys.' Scorpius said.

You and Draco both gave him a hug. You held your little boy tightly. You were treated like absolute crap and you promised yourself to never let Scorpius feel like that. It was hard to let him go but he deserved this.

'We'll miss you too.' You said.

You both let Scorpius go. He grabbed his bag and smiled.

'Bye!' He said before boarding the train.

You turned your head and saw the golden trio staring at you two. You passed them a gentle smile before waving at Scorpius with Draco.

Draco wrapped and arm around you and you two left platform 9¾.


When you set foot into the manor it was quiet. Normally Scorpius would be running around the manor with Lena. You looked through the hallway and stopped at your wedding foto with Draco. During that time you were pregnant with Scorpius. You told everyone at the wedding. Draco stood besides you and smiled.

'Every day you get more beautiful.' He said.

You blushed and looked at him. You got older every day. Your wedding was truly beautiful. You wore your dream dress, you married outside in the sun. Perfect weather.. as if that day was made for you. You invited a lot of people and even the gryffindors showed up.

Seeing yourself there.. you loved thinking back.. but it also made you realised how old Scorpius and Lena were becoming.

'It was hard to let him go.'

'I know, honey.' He spoke before hugging you.

You held him tightly. You just prayed he was going to have a lot of fun. Make a lot of friends. Go on amazing adventures and had the time of his life.. meet the love of his life. Just like you did.

'We still have Lena.' Draco smiled. 'She wil entertain us.'

'That's true.' You smiled while letting him go.

Running away with Draco was the best choice you ever made. You had never been this happy in your life. After you left that horrible war behind, your life got better.

Draco made it better. Every day he gave you the love you never used to get. He was an amazing and loving father. You still remember the first time he held Scorpius and Lena. The smile on his face. How proud and emotional he was. That never left.

He always played with them, cooked for them occassionally, took them out to see the world.. it was amazing.. he was amazing. Your life was amazing. You felt more accepeted than ever and regretted that you ever tried so hard.

You pressed your lips against Draco's. He smiled and kissing you back.

'Look who's back.' Narcissa smiled.

You two parted and turned to the stairs. Narcissa was followed by Lucius who was carefully carrying Lena down the stairs. He put her down.

'Mommy!' She giggled before running towards you.

She was almost a copy of you. It was weird how different your children were. You crouched down and picked her up. You held her tightly.

At least you could hold on to Lena for a few years. She always made you happy aith her cute smile.

'You're forgetting someone.' You laughed.

'Daddy!' She smiled as you passed her on to Draco.

Draco gave her a big hug. Lena always missed you. Even if you were gone for only 5 minutes. It was amazing to have her so happy with you.

'She behaved very well. We had a lot of fun playing with her dolls.' Lucius smiled.

'Grandpa played the dog.' Lena giggled.

Lena meant her stuffed animal dog. Lucius once did a funny voice with it and now he was forced to play the dolls dog.

'How was it?' Narcissa asked.

'It was.. difficult but I know he is going to have a lot of fun.' You smiled.

Narcissa understood that of course. She gave you a hug and you hugged her back. She was an angel. The past was the past.

'Do you guys want some tea?' Narcissa asked.

Narcissa and Lucius had completely changed. They were proud grandparents and you forgave them for everything.

You watched the group as Draco followed them with Lena. You were lucky.. incredibly lucky. You smiled at the sight if your beautifuk family as Draco stopped.

'Honey, come on.' He smiled.

You quickly caught up with them. You knew that this was going to last forever..

The end.

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