39 ~ we have to

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You were far away from the battle scene. Draco sat you down on a broken wall. He grabbed your leg and looked at your wound. It wasnt even that bad.

'Draco, we can't just stay here.' You said.

Draco looked up at you.

'We're gonna die out there. Especially if you can't walk properly.'

'I can walk perfectly fine.'

You pushed him back and got up. It did hurt but it was fine. Draco pushed you back down. You scoffed at him and turned your head away from him.

'Do you want to die?' He asked you.

'The dark lord will kill is if we dont fight for him!' You hissed.

Draco sighed and grabbed his wand. He healed your wound for you. You looked at him as he sat down besides you. He was just staring at the floor.


'I just want to protect you. I thought I lost you in there.'

You turned back towards him and laid your hand on his shoulder. Draco looked up at you. You moved over to him and cupped his face.

'It's okay, Im right here.' You smiled before kissing him.

Draco kissed you back and held you tightly. He never wanted to feel that close to losing you again. You pulled back and took him in your arms.

'We have to go Draco. We can't just stay here. You know that.' You said. 'I dont want to lose you either but we have to do this. I'll be with you until the very end.'

'Dont say that.'

'The very end can also be the end of the war. The end of our lives when we're both 90 years old.'

That thought made Draco smile. You let him go and Draco said back up. He sighed and got off the wall. He was tensed. You could see it. You got up too and grabbed his hand while holding your wand in your other hand.

You looked at him and he looked at you. It was an intense moment. A scary moment. You just. early died and you were going to risk your life again.

'I love you.' Draco said.

'I love you too.'

Draco got a better grip of your hand before you two headed into the battlefield.


That didn't go as planned. You lost Draco somewhere during the battle. You were panicked and afraid. All death eaters were forced to retreat as Voldemort asked Harry to face him.

The fighting stopped as you watched all the death eater apparate away. You were catching your breath behind a wall. The only thing that went through your mind was Draco. You walked around the wall.

You looked at what wqs left of Hogwarts. You took a deep breath. You saw Draco appear in the opening.

'Draco!' You yelled.

He looked in your direction. He was relieved to hear your voice. He had been worried sick about you. He started heading towards you.

'Finally.' You heard behind you.

You turned around and saw a ravenclaw student. You had no idea what her name was. You had seen her before in the common room. You held your wand tightly.

'You heard the dark lord. Fighting is over.'

She had her wand pointed at you. You slowly stepped back. Draco was watching for afar while trying to reach you.

'You've ruined the name of our house. You've betrayed us all!' She hissed.

'Calm down. You don't understand-'

She shot a spell at you which you hadn't even heard before. She hit you right in your shoulder because you turned away. She made a massive cut in it. You gasped in pain as the blood floded out. You dropped your wand and sat down on the floor in pain.

'Y/N!' Draco yelled as he started running.

He pointed his wand at the girl and disarmed her within seconds. She ran for her wand. Draco used crucio, just missing her to show that he was serious. She looked at him in shock.

'Don't you try anything. Piss off.' he hissed.

He sat down behind you as he slowly pulled you into his arms. He saw the fear in your eyes. You had completely frozen in place because of it.

'I can fix this. I can fix this!' He yelled.

You started to get light headed and closed your eyes.

'Stay with me. Hey.' Draco said while gently slapping your cheek with his hand.

You opened your eyes again. Draco used numerous healing spells until he found the right one. Draco held you like that for a moment. Allowing you to take a break and regain your senses. You looked inti his eyes. He moved some hair out of your face. He kissed your forehead.

'Are you okay?'

You just nodded and grabbed his hand which was resting on your body. He grabbed your hand.

'Thank god , you're still alive. After I lost you I didnt even know anymore.'

You slowly sat up.

'Im okay. Im glad to see you are too.'

You pressed your lips again his. You were unsure of what was going to happen now.. you just had to wait and see.

Draco pulled you onto your feet. You stumbled a little but he managed to keep you standing.

'Let's go.'

Slowly more Hogwarts students started gathering outside. You and Draco hid yourself between them. It hurt you to know that your housemates thought that way about you but you couldve expected it.

All that mattered was that you were okay and that Draco was okay. You held onto him tightly. You knew there was a moment coming up in which you had to make a choice.

You started to think if you really needed your parents to accept you.. or anyone really. Althought you loved feeling like people cared. It was a struggle you had to face. Soon it would all be clear to you.

You looked up at Draco. At least he accepted you. Just the way you were. You loved that about him and you always would..

Accepted || Draco x reader (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now