26 ~ unfair

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Draco almost didn't want to wake you up. You had class but just the way you laid against him was just so beautiful. He smiled as he watched you laying there peacefully. You looked so calm.. it made him blush and feel so many butterflies.

Draco ran his hand through your hair and then pasted your back to rub it gently. He saw you smile as you slowly woke up. You wrapped your arm around him and laid your head on his chest.

'Hey beautiful, it's time for breakfast.'

You just made a protesting noise while digging your head in his chest.

'Come on Y/N.'

'No.' You whined.

Draco grinned and kissed the top of your head. You forced yourself up and yawned. Draco watched you and sat up too. You looked at him and smiled. You leaned over to him and kissed him. Draco kissed you back right away while slowly moving his hand towards your cheek.

'Oh good morning.'

You two pulled back and looked at the door. Blaise, Gregory and Goyle.

'Hi.' You smiled.

'We just came to check if you two were awake. Class starts in an hour and you haven't even eaten yet.' Blaise said.

'Yeah, just go do your thing. We'll be right there.' Draco sighed.

His friends headed off.

'Privacy isn't really a thing here.' Draco spoke a little grumpy.

'Relax. They just checked up on us.' You smiled.

'We dont even have class together now.' Draco sighed. 'I have potions with Gryffindor.'

'I have a free period. I can ask Slughorn if I can join. I could use an extra class. I haven't been like an outstanding person in potions.'

'Just because you missed 3 points doesn't mean you're not outstanding.' Draco said. 'Besides, you're always outstanding to me.'

You looked at him and laughed a little.


You got up and grabbed your clothes. You headed into the bathroom to get dressed while Draco got dressed in his room. You looked at yourself in the mirror.

Your robes covered your dark mark very well. No one would ever be able to see. Not even if you raised your hand. That was also probably the best.. that no one knew.

You headed out of the bathroom and saw Draco, who just closed his robes. He turned to you.

'My favourite Ravenclaw.' He smiled.

'It's not that difficult to become that.. you hate the rest.' You laughed before kissing him.

'Hate is a strong word. I respect ravenclaws more.'

'Of course you do.' You grinned. 'Let's go out Mister "I respect Ravenclaws".'

'I do!' Draco said while you walked towards the door.


Slughorn let you join potions class. It was amazing that you could work with Draco. You we're holding his hand while walking into the classroom. People were confused by your relationship. People looked at you two laughing, chatting and walking down the halls together.

You didn't care. You were happy with Draco. You loved being with him. You were standing with him against the wall. You look at the potions in front of the classroom.

You recognise one.. one you could really use. You had a look at the cabinet. It was difficult to mend. Slughorn started talking.

'Draco..' you whispered.

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