31 ~ I think he is..

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Later that evening, you decided to go to Draco in the hospital wing. You just had to see him. You had been feeling miserable all day. Your hate for Harry was intense.

You entered the hospital wing. It was dark seeing it was getting late. The moon was shining through the few open windows.

You looked around and tried to find Draco. You didn't know where he was. You looked around as you gently passed the hospital beds.

Draco then caught your eye. You looked at him and stopped. He was just laying there. He was resting. He looked peaceful.. but you knew he wasn't. You gently approached him and sat down besides his bed.

'It should've been me..' You spoke softly. 'You don't deserve this.. it should've been me. He aimed for me.'

'I promised I'd protect you.' You heard Draco speak with a lot of effort.

You looked at Draco. He turned his head to you and opened his eyes. You smiled as soon as you saw him. You just felt all your emotions bubbling back up.. they were overruled by the fact that he was okay.

You actually got tears in your eyes. You were so happy that he was awake and well and looking at you. You grabbed his hand.

'It's okay.' He said while rubbing his thumb across the top of your hand.

'I'm just happy you're okay.' You sniffed while wiping some escaping tears away.

'I'm glad to see you.' Draco smiled.

You leaned in and gently pressed your lips against his. You pulled back and sat back up. You held his hand tightly while looking at him.

'I've been lucky.' Draco said.

'I know.. I got mad at Harry.. I casted a spell at him and I.. I just got so mad.'

'It's fine. You have every right to be.'

'I don't. I shouldn't let him get to me like that. You know I'm not like that.' You sighed.

Draco managed to get your hand to his mouth and he kissed the top of it. He then laid his arm back down.

'Try to relax.' You said. 'You dont have to be all sweet to me if you can't.'

'I wanna be.' He smiled. 'You deserve it.'

You fixed some of his messed up hair and kissed his forehead.

'I love you.' You spoke.

'I love you too.'

'I hope you can get out of here soon.' You said. 'I already miss you.'

Draco smiled a little.

'I miss you too.' He said. 'It's best if I stay here for a bit. I mean, the cabinet is done so the next task will happen soon.'

'I've been told it'll be worth it. I'm going to believe it will be.' You sighed.

'I mean, it's not worth it for me. You're worth it.. the rest is not. If I had a choice I wouldn't choose this.'

'If I didn't have the right reasons, I wouldn't have done this either. I just want a family.'

Draco felt bad for you. He thought this wasn't the right way to achieve it, but he knew it was the only way. All he could do was be there for you like you were there for him.

'We're doing what we're supposed to be doing. I dont think Voldemort will kill us. We have one last step to take. If you dont want to be there, I can do it.' Draco suggested.

'And let you go alone? Are you insane?' You said right away. 'I promised you we would do this together.. so that's exactly what's going to happen.'

Draco was somewhere glad to hear that.. even though he didn't want you to risk your life, he was glad you stuck by him.. even when times were hard. He tried to sit up to kiss you, but he gasped in pain right away.

You pushed him down. He laid back down and looked up at you. You pressed your lips against his.

You stoke your hand through his hair until he fell asleep. You just sat there looking at him for a moment. You kissed the top of his head. You got up and quietly left the hospital wing.

'No, that's a terrible idea. Come on.' You heard Hermione say.

You stopped for a moment and peeked around the corner. You saw Ron and Hermione. They were just standing there.

'We can at least support her a little bit.' Ron said.

'She's not waiting for that.. besides, we didn't do anything. It's Harry's fault. We didn't do anything.'

You decided not to interfere and take the other way to the common room, but right when you wanted to walk out of the corridor, you heard something.


You turned around and saw Ron and Hermione. They looked at you. You didn't see anything and just stopped and faced them.

'I just wanted to say I'm sorry for what happened. Hermione is too.'

'Why? You didn't do anything.' You asked right away. 'It's not as if you guys like me or Draco.'

'You've been our friend for years. Of course, we care about you and who you're with.'

'The only one who should be sorry is Harry.. and he isn't sorry.'

'I think he is.. I just don't think that he-'

'Hermione, trust me.. he's not. He is Harry Potter. He thinks he can get away with everything. He won't be punished for what he did because Dumbledore is his best friend. He doesn't need to be sorry because he doesn't care about what happens next.'

You didn't know if they agreed with you. You didn't really care. As soon as they would find out what you were, they would all quickly forget how "sorry" they were.

'Y/N, I-'

'It's okay. You have your own beliefs about him. You have the right to have those, but please dont try to tell me how sorry he is. If he was really sorry, he would be here right now instead of you.'

Ron and Hermione didn't know what to say to that.. probably because deep inside, they knew you were right about that.

'Please just leave Draco alone in there. He needs to rest.. also I'd appreciate it if you no longer speak to me like I asked from you before.'

You turned around and walked away. You didn't feel the need to say anything else to them. You could, but it was all okay now. You didn't want to start anything again.

Keeping them at distance was what's best. You chose your life. It wasn't the life they were going to have. It was the opposite. They say opposites attract, but in this case that wasn't true.

You headed back to the common room and made your way to your bed. The only thing you could think about was Draco. You wished you could sleep next to him tonight.. to support him.. but you knew it was best if he stayed there. He was taken care off and it will all be okay. That's what you made yourself believe..

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