Piece of You #2

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I found a piece of you in my orchestra folder the other day. It didn't really catch me by surprise, I had a feeling it was going to be in there, it just came so quickly. It was laying against my sheets of music and it would not move out of my way. It was so obnoxious and annoying. I couldn't even play my violin because of how much space it was taking up on the page. It would move once and a while but it always ended up in my way as soon as I thought it was gone. It was impossible to concentrate on my music when it was right there in my face. I thought that if I focused hard enough on my music then it wouldn't bother me as much. It didn't work. I just wished that it would go away but it wouldn't. I really hoped it would go away, but it was still there the next time I opened my orchestra folder. It just laid there on my sheets of music refusing to get out of my way. The worst part is that it was still there next week, and the week after that, and the week after that, and I had no idea when it was going to go away. 

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