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The end of the year, where everybody celebrate the last day of the year. With foods, fireworks, family who gathered around and kissing at 11:59 until 12:01.

"Lisa, come on. Stop being lazy and help us." Jisoo groaned and trying to reach the wall to hang the decoration, which she failed because of her height.

"Why do we need to decorate? It's just a new year. Nothing else will change, except the year though." Lisa groaned and just help her hang it, which was too easy. "There, done. I'm done helping you." She continued and flopped down on the couch.

"Duh Lisa, you're life is so boring."

"No need to remind me. Where's the two?" Lisa closes her eyes, since she feels sleepy, and just let herself drifted off to sleep.

"They're the one who'll cook and the two of us will decorate, but how can we finish the decoration when you have a lazy butt." Jisoo ranted and looked at Lisa. "Aish, really Lisa?" She rolled her eyes at the sleeping beauty.

Furthermore, she continued decorating the house all by herself, struggling to lift and tiptoed her toes just to make the house look pretty.

"Everybody, listen." Lisa spoke as everyone stopped on what they were doing. "So, we only have five minutes left until new year, and you probably noticed that, I wasn't too excited about this like I was before." They all nodded and Lisa continued. "But my reason isn't important right now. I'm very thankful to have all of you in my life, loving me, caring me and everything. Yes, I always annoy you and very stubborn as hell. But always remember that you're always in my heart and I'm always in your heart, and just be happy in your life." Lisa fake a smile, trying to hide the pain and tears that almost covered her eyes.

"Are you leaving or what?" Jisoo spoke and everyone looked at Lisa puzzled.

Kind of

"Nah, that was me, being too emotional." Lisa chuckled awkwardly and everyone just laughed and continued chatting around.

She sneakily went outside for some fresh air to inhale, just enough for her heart to work until midnight.

"You're not leaving are you?" She turned around and face the beautiful girl she fell in love with.

"No, of course. I'm still invited at your wedding." Lisa smiled and hugged the girl. "I'll always love you Nini." She whispered and kissed her head.

"You really are being to emotional today, but I love you too Lili, always." Jennie whispered and kissed her cheeks and gave Lisa her gummy smile, before running back to the arms of her lover.


You're the sweetest girl I fell in love with.


Your gummy smile can make the thousands of people smile at the same time.


You're better of without me.




Be happy with him.


I'll never forget you.


Lisa looked at Kai and mouthed, "Make her happy." Kai smiled and nodded.

"Thank you." He replied.


Please be happy without me.


I love you.



Lisa looked at the couple doing their new year's kiss

She smiled bitterly and turn around.

Probably the very last thing she saw before she collapsed on the ground.

Her first and last page of her 365 pages.

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