One Last Time [2]

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"I'm sorry, no visitors for her this time Ms. Jennie." The doctor spoke as he bowed apologetically to the new visitor and soon closes the door, leaving the new visitor and the patient's mom.

"Hey Jennie, what are you doing here?" Lisa's mom spoke as she motioned Jennie to take a seat beside her.

"Hey mom. My mom told me Lisa has an appointment and I ran here because I can't missed it. But it turns out on the other way. Please tell me what happened." Jennie begged and took a deep breathe for the news.

"I'm sorry." That's all Lisa's mother can say and burst out her tears that she's been holding since then. "She..suffered too much..." Jennie swallowed hard and didn't want to know what will be her next words, although she already knew but also desperate enough to hear it. "She said...she doesn't want me to find a heart anymore...she's tired." Lisa's mom clutches Jennie's shirt for support and cried on her shoulder. "I'm sorry."

Jennie didn't want to speak, because she knew she'll end up crying. She just let Lisa's mom cried on her shoulder, while she was biting her lip to prevent herself from crying.

"You should take a rest first mom." Jennie broke the silence. "I'll take care of her." Jennie added while she held her hand and guided her to vacant room in their hospital.

Jennie waited for the 'no visitors allowed' time to turn into 'visitors are allowed' time. She was just sitting in front of the door where Lisa's room was. She tried to resist the urge to open the door, but even though they owned the hospital. She will still follow the rules and regulations. She'll only stand up and go if she's hungry or thirsty and then go back to the seat and wait. Her eyes are puffy and red, she literally blamed herself.

It was just a one fucking promise Jennie and you chose to break it. What a great best friend that you are.

"Ms. Jennie?"

Jennie snapped out of her thought and looked up to see the doctor.

"Hey Dr. Park, what are you doing here?" She stood up and fixed herself.

"Well, I'm just gonna check Ms. Lisa. Want to come in?" She just nodded slowly and prepared herself to watch what is on the other side.

As the doctor opened the door, Jennie watches how helpless Lisa is, her thin body is covered with hospital gown, her bones are almost visible with her veins.

"She's a fighter." The doctor spoke as check the dextrose and watch the beating of her heart. "She doesn't want her mom to be desperate enough to let her stay. She chose to let go, because she suffered too much. And she doesn't want to let her mom to find a heart." He wrote the result on his clipboard and attach another dextrose on her other hand. "You know, she always talk about you when she have an appointment with me." He smiled and Jennie looked at her confused.

"I hope good things though." She chuckled.

"Oh, you have no idea." He smirked and shook his head before going out.

Jennie who was confused as ever, wanted to ask again but she wanted Lisa to tell her.

"Lisa..." She trailed off and grab her cold hand. "I'm really sorry."

"What are you doing here?" Jennie got startled by the voice and immediately let go of Lisa's hand.


"What are you doing here?" Lisa coldly asked again, still closing her eyes, since she doesn't want to face Jennie.

"I'm...sorry. I heard you had an appointment and I immediately came here, but turns out that you're-"

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