Love Until The End

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My version on 'Marry Me' chapter.

"Jennie, it has been three months and yet, here you are still lying in bed with your hideous dress. I know you really hate hospitals, but you end up lying in hospital bed." Lisa tried to hold back her tears but she failed. She wiped them and tried to put up her best smile.

"We've been together for two years and my love for you is still the same as I love you for the first time. You showed me your imperfections, your scars, your mistakes and you thought that I'll leave you because of that, but that made me love you more." She couldn't stop herself from crying that it was even hard for her breath, she needed to take a deep breath for her suffocated lungs.

"You maybe wake up, not remembering me and not remembering me loving you. But I will do everything just to help you remember me." She took out a box that she kept for a long time

"I will mary you, even if you're unconscious. I'll wait for you, even if you wouldn't remember me, I'll always wait for you." She smiled as she slide the ring on her finger and kissed her forehead.

But her smile soon disappeared as she heard the beep from the monitor.

"" She tried to reach her hand but she failed cause she was pulled by her friends.

"Jennie! No! Let me go!" She shouted at the top of her lungs and tried to get out from their grips, but she wasn't that too strong since her body was worn out from crying too much.

"Let me go! Jennie, please stay strong! Don't do this to me Jennie! JENNIE! I said LET ME GO!" This is not the Lisa they knew. Lisa didn't notice that she already hurt her friends, physically, but her friends didn't mind that cause the most important is to calm Lisa down.

"We will make sure to do everything but we won't promise." That's the last thing the doctor said before he closes the door.


"Lisa! Look at me." Jisoo ordered that made Lisa obliged. "You have to stay strong for Jennie. Okay? We might never know what will happen next, but you need to stay strong for the sake of Jennie." Jisoo hugged Lisa and Lisa just keep crying on Jisoo's shoulder, mumbling Jennie's name, saying 'sorry' and 'i love you'

The doctor came out and they all looked at him, but he just bowed for forgiveness.

Lisa quickly rushed inside and saw Jennie's lifeless body, without wires and tubes. Only Jennie, with her eyes closed into her permanent sleep. The nurses bowed before going out for her privacy.

"Jennie." That's the only word she can say before rushing to hug her. She cried too much that no tears came out, her eyes got swollen from crying and she gasped for some air. She even cried harder when she saw the ring that she just slipped earlier.

"The ring represents my love for you until the end. Please be happy wherever you are. I promise I'll find you and meet you soon. I love you Jennie Kim."

The last thing Lisa said as she feels herself on the cold floor.

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