Tragedy (Caught)

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"Jennie, what did I do? Am I not enough for you?" I calmly said as I tried to hold back my tears, it's already blocking my vision, so I turned around and wiped it, before facing her again.

"You are.."

"Oh." I fake chuckled. "So, what I fucking saw and heard earlier was probably nothing for you. I'm probably too fucking good for you that it was too easy to fucking cheat on me!"

"Lisa....I'm sorry. Please it's nothing to me. I-"

"Oh, it was nothing for you, because you're the one who cheated. And it was NOTHING for me also, because I'm the one who's been cheated on. Fuck you Jennie! A big fuck you!" I let my pain and anger control over me.


"You know what? We are over and get the fuck out. I don't want to see your cheating face ever again. Get out!"

She cried harder as she was walking out of my sighed. I slammed the door and punches it numerous times and throwing the things everywhere.

I woke up and groaned because of the pain all over my body, with the hangover and pain of my heart. I should probably be dead right now.

I saw my house in a disaster state, it used to be ours, but whatever. Fuck her.

I took a shower and change, I didn't even bother to clean the mess and eat breakfast. I went outside and wear sunglasses, in case the paparazzi and the fans of her will attack me. And it came true.


"Kyaahhh you are so handsome oppa."

"Jennie is so lucky to have you."

As I heard the name, I looked at the person who said that and was about to punch him, but I'm in public and they don't have an idea we're over.

I just gave them a fake smile and went inside of a coffee palace, where we used to have a coffee. But it's my last visit here, since I'm gonna get out of this place to forget about everything here.

I ordered my favourite coffee and just sat on the corner, probably me being an emotional person. I covered my entire face with mask and sunglasses and with my hood on.

I received a notification and saw it was from twitter.

[COUPLE NEWS]: "The most favourite couple that was chose by many fans and won the title as the popular and best couple of the world, also known as #JenLisa, just broke up the day after her concert.

The singer-songwriter Jennie Kim had her last concert yesterday and we saw how happy she was with her lover just yesterday, but after that she was seen yesterday leaving their house with red nose and cheeks, probably from crying. On the other hand, the famous author Lisa Manoban, was seen just this day wearing a mask, sunglasses and hoodie in the coffee palace, on a VERY HOT day.

Most fans conclude they were on huge fight and they don't have an idea who hurt who. Jennie Kim confirmed just now that the two of them broke up, but didn't tell us any further reason.

May our JenLisa heart rest in peace."

I chuckled at the news, she didn't even fight for me and act like she was the victim.

I heard another sound from my phone and a notification from twitter again.

[COUPLE NEWS]: "May our JenLisa heart will comeback again.

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