Dangerous Woman |M|

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Suit yourself fam.

"Right there." I gasped as I thrust my hips up in the air. I heard her hissed in pain as I scratch her back, but she chose to ignore it and continue to give me the pleasure that I never experienced.

"Ah yes. Oh god." I feel my stomach tightens and my mouth formed a little 'o' as I feel myself coming for her.

She kissed my neck softly and roamed her hands on my body, making me comfortable on her touch. Her touches makes me want more and I'll do everything just to feel the pleasure from her.

"You really are very dangerous." She whispered and got up to pick up the clothes that was scattered everywhere.

I smirked as I pour myself a glass of wine on the nightstand. I bit my lip as I saw her abs before it was covered on her clothes. I got up and covered myself with a robe and approach her.

"Why are you such in hurry, another round wouldn't hurt right?" I seductively bit my lip and tilt my head a little to expose my neck.

"Or maybe, fuck me all night long. You will give me pleasures until the sun comes up. Play me like a toy, I'm all yours to enjoy." I traveled my hand and stop to touch her abs. "God, even your abs can make me cum in any seconds." I continued and feel myself facing the wall.

"I will fuck you until you passed out and make sure you can't walk for weeks. How's that sound Jennie? I bet you really love it. Right?" I smiled devilishly at her words.

"Your words and your voice can make me cum right now." I said and face her. "I will surely spread my legs wide for you." I smirked and kisses her jaw to her neck.

"Jennie, stop it."

"Jennie, I'm home."

I rolled my eyes and fixed myself before going down.

"Hey, honey." I faked a smile once I saw him untying his shoes.

"Hey." He lean to kiss my lips but I turn to the side, making him kissed my cheek. He furrowed his brows at my action and I just rolled my eyes.

"Not in the mood." I gave him a small smile and he just nodded.

"Sir." Lisa immediately raised her hand to her forehead to salute and the man next to me do the same.

"What are you doing here Lieutenant Manoban?"

"Ah, your wife called me and she needed some help, since she told me you're busy General. I'm still working under this roof." Lisa lied and I just wanted to laughed at her, but I just smirked at her.

"Well, thank you for taking care of my wife. With your good work, you'll probably be on top on the rank right now." He chuckled and Lisa just fake a chuckled.

Oh darling, you don't know how the Lieutenant took care of me a while ago.

"I'll be going now sir." She salute again and the man dismissed it.

"I'm just gonna walk her to the door." I said and he just nodded before going upstairs.

"I can't wait for you to fuck me until I can't walk for weeks, remember that my legs will automatically open for you." I whispered and let out a small moan on her ear. "Fuck me daddy." I pecked her lips and smirked.

"You're a dangerous woman."

"I know." I just winked at her before closing the door.

"Damn you Jennie Kim." I heard her groaned and I just chuckled softly.

Deyum, thank you for the 12k reads. Lovelots!

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