Sea of Stranger 2

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"You didn't tell me you're with your parents." Lisa exclaimed, showing her accent again.

'Please stop with the accent.' Jennie thought cause she can't handle the urge to kiss her.

"Oh, well maybe I was lost because of your accent." Jennie gave her a gummy smile, and it was the first time Lisa saw it.

'Damn, I could just kiss you right now.' Lisa thought but shake it off, because it's the first time they met and it's not good on their first met.

"Well, maybe I'll stop the accent thingy." Lisa smiled but was shocked when Jennie almost shouted.

"No! I mean, it's really good and you can use the accent anytime you want." Jennie nervously laughed and just continued to walk.

They arrived at the table and Lisa didn't know how to greet Jennie's parents. She's used greeting someone with handshakes, and it's too formal to greet Jennie's parents.

She saw Jennie bowed her head to greet her parents and she copied what Jennie did.

On the other hand, the couple stifled a laugh of how Lisa struggles to greet them and they thought it was cute.

"Hello, My name is Lisa Manoban. I'm sorry if I didn't properly greet you. I'm actually used at handshakes." Lisa extended her arm but soon realised, she's making herself embarrassed. She clicked her tongue at her mistakes, but was shocked when the couple accepted her handshake.

"It's okay, I can tell you're a foreign gal." Jennie's father smiled and motioned Lisa to have a seat.

"Yes Mr." Lisa nodded.

"That's too formal kiddo, just call me appa." The man smiled playfully.

"Dad." Jennie hissed.

"Appa? What's that?" Lisa curiously asked.

"Oh, it's nothing Lisa." Jennie smiled but soon glared at her father.

"Where you from dear?" Jennie's mother asked.

"Oh, I'm actually Thai but I lived on London since then."

"What's your last name again?"

"Manoban." Lisa proudly smiled.

"Oh, you're the daughter of the most famous chef in the world." Jennie's mother surprisedly exclaim.

"Yes Mrs."

"You should call me eomma right now."

"You too?" Jennie rolled her eyes at her two parents.

"There's nothing wrong with that, right Lisa?" The woman sweetly smiled at Lisa.

"Yes, eomma." Lisa said that made Jennie choked.

"Oh my god love, are you okay?" Lisa asked and rubbed Jennie's back, but Jennie choked again when she heard Lisa called her love.

"You two should get married already." At that sentence, it was Lisa's turn to choke now.

"Please excuse us." Jennie said and drag Lisa out of her parents.

"Please give us grandchildren after you get married." They continued to tease the two.

"Oh my god. I'm sorry for my parents behaviour." Jennie slapped her forehead and just casually ran her fingers through her hair.

"It's okay love. If you want to grant their wishes, then we can make it happen." Lisa said.

Jennie stop and looked at Lisa. "What do you mean?"

'It's now or never.' Lisa thought

"I know it's the first time we met, just this afternoon. But there's something in you that made me feel butterflies in my stomach." Lisa confessed and slowly wrapped her arms around Jennie's small waist.

"Just remember that our first kiss is on the sea." Lisa chuckled and Jennie didn't know how to react.

"Even if we're struggling to stand properly because of the waves. The waves won't stop me from doing this." Lisa finally closes the gas between them. Jennie was shocked but soon wrapped her arms around Lisa's neck and closes her eyes.

"Oh my god Jennie, wake the fuck up!" Jennie bolted up from her sleep and looked around.

"Where am I?" Jennie asked.

"We have already arrived you sleepy butt. We're still in the ship." Jisoo shake her head at her sister's face. "What's wrong with you? Get the fuck up, mom and dad's already waiting outside."

Jennie didn't noticed that there are already tears streaming down on her face.

'Was it really just a dream? But it feels so real.' She thought.

She lamely get out of her room and noticed they're already waiting for her.

"Darling, what wrong?" Her mother asked and Jennie just shook her head.

She feels dizzy because of her dream that she walked too fast and bumped into someone.

"You should be careful love." The unknown person said.

Jennie knew that voice, she knew it's the girl Lisa. She immediately looked up and she's right. It was her Lisa.

She immediately kissed her, not caring if her family saw the scene.

She feels Lisa smiled on their kiss and she pulled away a little.

"I thought I was the only one who had that dream." Lisa sighed in relief and kisses Jennie again.

Jennie pulled a little and ordered Lisa. "Be mine forever."

Lisa answered it with another kiss and another.

"I knew it!" Jisoo exclaimed and they both immediately pulled each other.

"Car keys." Jisoo extended her arm to their father and their father just sighed and gave Jisoo her car keys.

"What's happening?" Jennie asked.

"We made a bet. You kept mentioning Lisa while you were sleeping, so we made a bet who's Lisa in person. And I was right." Jisoo exclaimed happily.

"Well, mom and dad." Jennie trailed off.

"You should get married and have children already. God, you're making me miss my teenage life." Jennie's father spoke and walked past by them, making them laughed.

"Well, I guess we really need to get married soon." Jennie spoke and they kissed into forever.

I dunno what's happening.

Anyway, I'm open for any suggestions.

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