Love in A Coffee Palace

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"Let's go on a date."  I immediately looked at Lisa and arched my eyebrow.

"What's the occasion? Are you sick? Is your bangs okay?" I combed her bangs with my fingers and she just smiled.

"Why? Can't I go on a date with my girl?" She slowly wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled me close. I immediately wrapped mine around her sexy neck and pecked her sexy lips.

"You can, but it weirded me out that you suddenly asked for a date, without preparing, but it's a good weird. And you're the kind of a person who'll surprised me with flowers and make our campus full of petals asking me to go on a date with you, but right now, you just asked me simply, which was kinda surprising and lovely. And I didn't know the most famous badass girl will asked me this in a simple way. But I'm not complaining, I just didn't expect this from you and I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings, it's okay if you'll never go on a date with me." I unwrapped my arms around her and turned around to leave. Gosh, this isn't me. What did you do to me Lalisa Manoban?

"Let's go." She grabbed my hand and I looked at her, but she just smiled.

"Oh gosh, I still can't believe Lisa chose her over Jisoo."

"Yeah, Jisoo is a perfect goddess."

"And she's nothing compared to Jisoo."

I just pretended that I didn't heard any of that, but Lisa stopped and faced them.

"Lisa, not now." I warned her. I don't want her to cause another trouble again. But again, she just smiled. What's wrong with her today?

She faced the three pussies and the latter looked down, too afraid to look at Lisa.

"You can date Jisoo, because I don't care. Oh wait, you can't even reach her level nor her standard for a girl. And I'm very happy I chose Jennie, because no one will ever get her away from me and if ever that happens, I'll shoot them straight on their head." They all mumbled sorry and ran away.

"Let's continue our trip to our date." She smiled and we continued to walk until we reach the parking lot of our school.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked once again, it feels new to me, that the badass girl in school just became a romantic one.

"Last time I checked, I never got admitted to a hospital and I don't even have medicines that was prescribed by a doctor. So yes, I'm okay." For the nth times, she just smiled and drove off.

"A coffee palace?" I looked at her and she just smiled again.

"Yes, you're a coffee lover. And we'll have a date in this place." She opened the door for me and the staffs greeted us.

"Ms. Manoban and Ms. Kim, please come with me."

We finally reached the fourth floor and guide us to our table.

"Your orders will be here soon. Enjoy your date."

I looked at Lisa and she just winked.

"Thank you." She said and the manager bowed her head before walking away.

"She knew?"

"Well, I asked for a table that has a perfect view for a date. So, yeah." She chuckled and smiled.

"This place and the view is perfect." I gave her my gummy smile. "I didn't know this place has a balcony and a beach behind." I took out my phone and took some pictures.

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