I Fall Apart

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"Lisa, you have to stop. I don't love you anymore." Jennie rolled her eyes as she saw Lisa at her front door with her favorite flowers.

"Why?" Lisa asked, forcing herself to smile and trying hard not to throw the flowers. It's better if she'll give it to Jennie one last time, if it doesn't work out this time.

"Lisa, you have everything I could've asked for. But, we can't change the time. I made promises that I kept, but it's just that, my feelings for you are now gone. I don't want to force myself to love you more, when I know it can hurt both of us. That's why I will never bother you from now on."

"My feelings are still in here Jennie." Lisa said and pointed at her chest. "You are still here."

"Lisa, please stop." Jennie pleaded and closes the door, but Lisa's question made her stop.

"I still love you. We can change that, right? I'll court you again like I did before that made you mine. What if we will work this out together? What if we will help each other? Jennie, please you just have to think this through." Lisa bit her lip to stop herself from crying.

"Lisa, you said you hate it when you beg people to stay, because it's for desperate only. You are being like that now." Jennie sighed.

"Yes, I hate begging people to stay because it's for desperate only. But you are an exemption and I want you to stay, because I know I'll never find someone like you."

"Lisa, you're hurting yourself. Please stop this. I'm happy now and you can be with Rosé." Jennie begged.

"You're hurting me Jennie."

"I know and I hate it and I'm sorry." Jennie closed the door and rest her head on it, while on the other side of the door, Lisa lean her forehead and cried.

"You know how ironic that I have to hurt Rosé, because I know there's someone out there who can love her more than I do, and I have to let you go because you're now happy with someone else." Lisa chuckled and wiped her eyes with her sleeves.

She sniffed and leave the flowers on the doorstep. "At least you're now happy."

Haloooo people. How are you?

So, someone messaged me that she's curious about love and asked me what is love for me.

But, before I'll answer that. I wanna read first your answers of the question:

For you, what is love?

My answer will be on the next update. HAHAHAH SEE YOU!

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