One Last Time [3]

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prepare some tissue. i guess?

"So Jennie, what's your favourite ice cream flavour?"

"Lisa, you already know that." Jennie rolled her eyes.

"I do?" Lisa asked innocently that made Jennie laughed.

"Stop doing that."

"Stop doing what?" Lisa asked innocently again.

"That." Jennie pointed at something that made Lisa laughed.

"I don't want to. This has purpose." Lisa sternly said that made Jennie rolled her eyes again.

They're just strolling around with Lisa humming some songs and Jennie just followed all along.

"So, your favourite ice cream flavor?"

"Lisa, really?" Jennie turned to Lisa and glared at her but she was welcome with a pouty face. "Fine, milk ice cream."

"Favorite number?"

Jennie rolled her eyes again for the nth times. "Lisa."

"This will be the last Nini."

Jennie sighed and faced her. "23."


"Because it's our anniversary day and that is today." Jennie said showing off her gummy smile.

"Then, can you eat 23 milk ice cream?"

"What do you mean?" Jennie tilted her head. Although her eyes sparkled at the mention of eating her favorite ice cream. But she wanted to hear it again from Lisa.

Lisa just shook her head and chuckled. "Welcome to Ice Cream Paradise."

"Oh my god Lili! I love you!" Jennie jumped happily and gave Lisa a koala hug.

"Jennie! Be careful."

"I'm sorry." Jennie just laughed as she saw Lisa playfully glared at her.

"Leggo!" Jennie, then drag Lisa inside, earning a few looks from the other customers because of how loud Jennie was. But they just shrugged it off because today is their day.


"Nini, you know that I hate that."

"See you later?"

"See you later."

"So, Ms. Jennie. What will you do in this beautiful day?"

"Why is it beautiful today?"

"Because I'm happy." Lisa smiled.

"Are you happy with me?" Jennie shyly asked. Looking passed through Lisa's eyes because of how embarrassed she was.

"Is that even a question? Nini, I'm always happy with you. Every time when I'm with you I always am, cause being with you is all I ever want."

"I'm sorry for doubting." Jennie pouted. Lisa just hugged Jennie tightly and kisses her forehead.

"Do you wanna hear my poem?" Lisa asked as she flopped herself beside Jennie.

"Yes please. I've been waiting for that." Jennie smiled and faced Lisa. "What is it about?"

"Just listen." Lisa demanded and cleared her throat.

as i've begun to learn
who you are, and how deep
your soul is,
as i've begun to notice
how perfect you are for me
each hour i long for the moment
where i may finally be by your side.

JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now