Love At First Sight [1]

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Year 1964

"Letting an unknown person in, wasn't the right choice you chose Roseanne. Is your brain still functioning? What were you thinking?"

"Oh my god. Can you please stitch your mouth? Cause if you can't, I'll gladly volunteer to do that."

I groaned hearing the two voices arguing. Can they both just shut up? Hell, my body still hurts and they just added the pollution in my surroundings.

I stretch my body and made a very loud moan that made them shriek. I looked at them confused. "What?"

"The sound you made was disgusting. What was that?" The angel who helped me and also made my blood boil earlier asked me.

"You just made a huge crime for letting her in." The other girl who I don't know hissed at the chipmunk girl.

" bones aren't on the right places because I...well..kinda fell? And I had to do the disgusting sound because it was good that it came finally back to the right places." I explained.

"Oh. It must be so bad that you have to do that loudly." Chipmunk girl softly said and sit on the edge of the bed.

"Well, yeah. I'm sorry if I had to do that loudly." Wait, why am I sorry?

"Who are you?" The other girl crosses her arms and lean her face close to mine and squinted her eyes. "Although you look really pretty and your features are kinda familiar. But I know you came from another world."

"Another world?" I asked.

"She meant another town, cause we literally knew the people here. And it's the first time that we saw you." The chipmunk explained.

"Kindly introduce yourselves first, so that I won't be confused what should I call you." I politely said.

"You're still a stranger to me, so I won't give you my name." The stubborn girl said.

"My name is Roseanne and she's Jisoo."

The Jisoo girl gasped and lightly slap Roseanne's arm. "How dare you? You committed crimes countless of times. You really deserve some punishments." The latter just rolled her eyes. Geez, I didn't know she have an attitude. Guess they're really my mom's cousins or should I say my fake cousins from this time.

"Excuse me, girls. First of all, I wish the heavens above that they will put lock on your mouths and I wish that they will throw the keys to hell. Now, can you close your mouths?" A sudden girl burst in that made me widen my eyes.


"Excuse me?" The three of them looked at me confused. I stifled a laughed at my mom's expression. To my mom, I'm sorry if I made fun of you here, but I'm also not sorry because you sent me here without knowing how long I will end up here.

"Oh I apologize. It was the lady behind you that I called." I said as I saw Aunt Diane smirking at me.

My mom looked behind her and saw Aunt Diane entering the scene. "My apologies for not introducing to you my daughter in the first place. I believe you're all confused, but leave us for a moment to have a private talk in regards of her sudden visit. I also believe that I owe you an explanation, so be patient and wait in the living room." Aunt Diane said and the three girls took an exit.

"Explain." She sternly said as she locked the door.

"Well, my mom is sick, in the year 2003 obviously. And she sent me here because of her first love." I rolled my eyes and groaned. "I never met them in the future." I said, referring to Roseanne and Jisoo.

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