If Only

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6:00 AM. The sound of the alarm clock from a phone blast through the whole room, the phone on the nightstand buzzed non-stop and rang non-stop. Lisa immediately woke up and relaxes her eyes, as she knew that the brightness of her phone will shocked her eyes and she'll probably have a small eyes for a seconds. After her eyes finally wide open, she grab her phone and open it, to turn off the sound.

She stood up and make sure to stretch her long arms and made a cute yawned with a cute sound. She quickly did her morning routine, not forgetting to prepare the food of her cats, since she'll be out for a whole day and luckily was on time, since she set up a schedule for her today's activities with special someone.

Probably she'll wake up and turn off the alarm sound and go back to sleep if her new today isn't that important or she's too lazy to do some activities on her day. But today was indeed, important to her, not really special, but probably special for the other person. If only she could kill herself right now, she probably have done it yesterday. But, thinking about today's activities, she'll probably kill herself after the activities.

She force a big smile in front of the mirror and sighed. She feels something on her legs and looked down to see her two pretty cats, swirling around her legs and meowing.

"Wish me luck." She knelt down and pat both of her cat's head, before proceeding to leave them alone and lock her house.

She, then went to her car and started the engine and drove for minutes to finally reach the destination. She looked at her watch that said 7:30 and took a peek through her car window. She smiled upon seeing the gorgeous lady that just came out from her house, how can not she fall in love with the girl when she was welcomed with those gummy smile and lovely eyes. She unlock her car and went out to hug the girl, but to her surprise, she found the girl clinging into her like a koala.

"I miss you." The girl whispered and it made her heart flutter.

"Jennie, I was just out for a week." Lisa spoke and rub the back of the girl.

"But still, you didn't tell me where you were, you didn't tell me how long you're gonna be gone and you didn't even reply nor accept my messages and calls. How dare you." Jennie let out her baby voice and drop on her feet, but her arms still wrapped around the neck of Lisa, while the latter's arms still wrapped around Jennie's waist.

"Let's just say, I need some fresh air and remember what you said to me?"

Jennie tilt her head a little, looking like a confused little dumpling and shook her head.

Lisa sighed and smiled.

"You're cute. Anyway, you told me that you wanted to go to amusement park." Jennie nodded slowly but she seems still confused.

"Well, today's the day." Lisa gave her a soft smiled.

"Omg! Really? Awe thank you Lili. You're the best." Jennie kissed her on her cheeks and gave her a gummy smile.

"You're very welcome, but before that, we have some activities to do." Lisa said as she guide Jennie on the passenger seat and she hurriedly went to the driver's seat.

"I'm not gonna ask, cause I know you'll answer 'it's a secret'."

"You're right." She chuckled and started the engine.

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