Marry Me

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Suggestion from @SobiranoXGilLIZQUEN

"Jennie, it has been three months and yet, here you are still lying in bed with your hideous dress. I know you really hate hospitals, but you end up lying in hospital bed." I tried to hold back my tears but failed. I wiped them and tried to put up my best smile.

"We've been together for two years and my love for you is still the same as I love you for the first time. You showed me your imperfections, your scars, your mistakes and you thought that I'll leave you because of that, but that made me love you more." I couldn't stop myself from crying that it was even hard to breath, so I took a deep breath before I continue.

"You maybe wake up, not remembering me and not remembering me loving you. But I will do everything just to help you remember me." I sniffled as I took out the box that I bought earlier.

"I will mary you, even if you're unconscious. I'll wait for you, even if you wouldn't remember me, I'll always wait for you." I smiled as I grab her hand.

"What are you doing, Manoban?"

I stop as I stared at the eyes of someone that I've never seen for months. I tried not to hug her, since there are still wires of dextrose and oxygen. So, I just snuggled my face to her neck and cried so hard.

"I thought you'll forget about me."

"Shh now Manoban. I heard everything and even if I forget about you. I know you will do everything to make me remember you. You're Lisa Manoban and you're stubborn." She ran her fingers through my hair softly that made me calm down.

"Jennie Kim." I said as I looked at her and she just hummed.

"Will you marry me?" I asked as I showed her the ring. "This is not the proposal that I wanted to show you, but I love you too much that if you have paper cuts, it hurts me too." I pouted

"I'll never say no to that question when it comes to your mouth." She smiled and I slide the ring on her finger.

And we kissed into forever.

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