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"Jennie unnie!" Lisa excitedly went to the older girl and flopped next to her. "Guess my favourite color." Lisa exclaimed. Too hyper for Jennie's liking.

Jennie rolled her eyes and slight shoved Lisa away from her. "Black." She mumbled and continue doing what's left behind.

Lisa pouted. "But that's your favourite color."

On the next day and so on, Lisa always do and said the same thing and Jennie answers the same color, sometimes different colors, except yellow.

One day, Lisa wore a yellow sweater, giving Jennie a hint that it's her favourite color.

"Jennie unnie!" Lisa flopped next to Jennie and still did the same as yesterday. "Guess my favourite color."

Jennie didn't even bother looking at her and just continue scrolling through her phone. "Pink." She sighed.

"Yay! You've guessed it right." Lisa clapped her hands and gave Jennie a side hug.

"That's Chaeng's favourite color. Not yours. You know what's your favourite color, why bother ask me?" Jennie rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"Hmp! I don't care, as long as it came from you, then it'll be my favourite." Lisa giggled and walked away happily.

Jennie furrowed her eyebrows with she returned and the dorm is too quite. She just shrugged her shoulders and sat on the couch, waiting for that particular girl who always bother her.

She furrowed her eyebrows again. She's been waiting for an hour and she knew what time that girl will bother her.




She tried to call them, but none of the three even answered.

Maybe they're just out. She thought and shrugged and continue scrolling through the Twitter.

She was interrupted by a call from Jisoo and she rolled her eyes.

"Yah! Where are you? You didn't tell me you three went out." She snapped but also soon replaced into a unreadable face with mixed emotions.

"Lisa." Was all Jisoo said and was all she needed to know where they are. She ran and grabbed her car keys, not even bothering to lock the door and drive away as fast as she can, not caring if she broke the limit rules. She have a reason, a very important reason.

"Lisa Manoban." She said to the nurse and luckily the nurse immediately answered.

"Room 390. 4th floor."

When she reached the 4th floor, she immediately scan the room number. Luckily, she immediately saw the room number when she turned left and saw all their friends and family members were outside. She knew already what happened just by seeing their faces with tears, no need to ask and answer the question, cause in the first place, they knew this would happen. But didn't expect that it'll be early for them to finally say goodbye to Lisa.

"Jennie Kim?"

Jennie turn around and found the doctor, who just came from Lisa's room and wearing a sad smile.

"She's looking for you." Jennie just nodded and carefully tiptoed inside and closes the door softly.

As she saw Lisa's state on the hospital bed, with a hideous gown and too many wires, that she can't handle to look at Lisa. She was about to turn around when Lisa called her.


Jennie bit her lip and took a seat beside Lisa's bed.

"Were you about to leave?"

"No!" Jennie exclaimed that made both of them shocked. "I mean, no" She bit her lip again.

"I know" Lisa softly chuckled. "I saw you hesitating, why?"

"I can't afford to look at you with these wires. We both know you hate hospitals." Jennie pouted and tears already formed onto her eyes.

"Hey." Lisa reached out to cup her left cheek and stroke it softly. "I can't afford to see you like this. Smile for me." Lisa gave her a soft smile but soon replaced with a nervous smile when Jennie glared at her.

"Yah! How can I give you a smile when you're like this? Aish, you're really getting into my nerves Lisa-yah." Jennie rolled her eyes.

"Come on, we both know I'm dying. At least smile for me." Lisa said and give her a sad smile.

"Stop it." Jennie was already crying hard, and Lisa hate it seeing Jennie is also struggling because of her condition.

"Jennie unnie. Guess my favorite color." Lisa said and force a smile.

"Yellow" Jennie didn't hesitate to blurt it out. She knew it all along.

"You're wrong." Lisa said and put her index finger on Jennie lips to silence her. "Let me talk." She continues and Jennie just nodded.

"Yes, my favorite color is yellow. But it changed." Lisa can already feel the pain, but she chose to calm. "Brown." She took a deep breath and look at deeply onto Jennie's precious eyes. "Because that's the color of your eyes."

"Lisa.." Jennie trailed off, she's speechless.

"I love you Jennie. And I'm happy right now, because your eyes which is my favorite color will be the very last thing I see before I go to sleep. See you soon Jennie"

And with that, she wore a soft smile before going to her permanent sleep.

Lol, I'm bored.

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