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"Lisa, come on. I don't have any money left." She said and I can hear her saying 'please' for the nth times, pleading me to get her at this time.

"It's already 5 in the morning Jennie, why are you still there?"

"I'm sorry, I lost track of time and my phone was on silent mode, so I didn't notice that you called." She tried to explain and I know she's pouting.

"Wasn't it vibrating on your ass?"

"I also turned that off." She chuckled nervously. "Please don't be mad, I'm sorry."

"How drunk are you?" I peeked outside to see if my parents are already up.

"Not drunk, just tipsy."

I sighed and lazily grabbed an extra sweater and head outside. "I'll just walk since it's already 5 AM."

"It's like a ten minute walk Lisa." She said, and I can still hear the loud music blaring from the place she's at, but it started to fade away. Probably walking to the park nearby.

"Then stay with me for ten minutes, don't drop the call until I can get there."

She chuckled. "Do you think, you can get here within ten minutes?"

"With my long legs? I'm sure as hell that I can." I chuckled and tease her with her short legs.


Then there was a moment of silence, it was a comfortable one, just our breath were heard. She was probably on deep thought, so I just kept silent. But it was too long that I thought she fell asleep, so I fasten my pace but saw her swinging her short legs on the bench she was at.

I was about to announce my arrival but she spoke after the long minutes we were quite. "Are you gonna be always here with me when I need you?"

I smiled. "Always."


"Always." I chuckled. "I'm here cutie." I said and dropped the call.

"Are you okay now?" I asked and sit beside her.

She put her head on my shoulder and took a deep breath. "I'm okay now since you're here. But, I wanna stay here for a moment."

"Wear this first." I said and handed her the extra sweater.

"Ah, still the sweet Lisa I knew." She chuckled and then wear the sweater. "Why were you silent until you got here?" She asked and put her head on my shoulder again.

"I thought you were thinking about something, so I just kept my mouth shut."

"How did you know that I'm gonna be here?"

I smiled. "You love to watch sunrise and sunset." I said and pointed at the sun that was already up. "You wanna stay here because you want to watch that."

She looked at me and smiled. "I always love your pretty mind."

"Did you know?"


"You look more beautiful when you smile." I said and just stared at her.

She averted her gaze and smiled. "Still the sweet Lisa I knew."

I love you.

"You'll turn 18 next week, any plans for your debut?" I asked and watch the people jogging and some are just like us, watching the sunrise.

She chuckled. "You know how my mom is when it comes to my birthday. I'll turn 18, so I'm sure she's already sending an invitation to some people that I don't even know."

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