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I've never seen you looking so lovely as you did tonight.
I've never seen you shine so bright.

"Come on Jennie, this is my favorite song." Lisa smiled and held Jennie's hands.


I've never seen so many men ask you if you wanted to dance.
They're looking for a little romance, given half a chance.

"Yeah? Why are you poking my cheek?" Lisa furrowed her eyebrows and also poke Jennie's cheek. "Now we're even." Lisa giggled.

"Seriously, let's dance." Lisa added, she grab Jennie's arm and circled it around her neck, while she wrapped her arms around Jennie's waist.

And I have never seen that dress you're wearing.
Or the highlights in your hair that catch your eyes.
I have been blind.

"Wait, I'm shy to dance when there's a lot of people." Jennie pouted.

"Love, I know that. That's why I rented this whole place." Lisa chuckled and pecked her lips. "Come on, this is my favorite song. I don't want to miss this." It's now Lisa's turn to pout and Jennie chuckled while she peck Lisa's lips.

The lady in red is dancing with me, cheek to cheek.
There's nobody here, it's just you and me
It's where I want to be.
But I hardly know this beauty by my side.
I'll never forget the way you look tonight.

"You look lovely, as always. And beautiful, as always." Jennie rolled her eyes at Lisa's compliments, but she hid her face on Lisa's chest, so the tall girl won't notice the red tint on her cheeks.

I've never seen you looking so gorgeous as you did tonight.
I've never seen you shine so bright, you were amazing.

"Every time I look into your eyes, I see your soul. And I think that's perfect enough to know that, if I have to find the answers to all of my prayers, I just have to look into your eyes."

I've never seen so many people want to be there by your side.
And when you turned to me and smiled, it took my breath away.
And I have never had such a feeling.
Such a feeling of complete and utter love, as I do tonight.

"And being with you tonight is perfect." Lisa added.

"I love you." Jennie wiped her tears and sniffled.

The lady in red is dancing with me, cheek to cheek.
There's nobody here, it's just you and me
It's where I want to be.
But I hardly know this beauty by my side.
I'll never forget the way you look tonight.
I never will forget the way you look tonight.

"Forever and always Jennie." Lisa smiled and lean in to kiss her.

I love you.

Jennie woke up clutching her chest with tears on her cheeks. She looked at the nightstand and saw that it was 11:11. She lean her head on the headboard and just stared at the time.

"Please come back."

One of my favourite 80's songs

Anyway, feel free to ask me questions.

So, I just wanna share this story hahaha sorry. So, I have one close friend from the class, we have the same vibes and anything. We're basically partner in crimes. We became really close with no efforts, like we just hit off like that. And when it was her birthday, of course I bought her a gift and we ate here and there. And just this month, omg I didn't know what I did wrong, she became distant and literally acted like we're strangers. So, I did the same thing kekeke.

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