Sea of Strangers

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Walking alone, side by side because of the waves. Lisa laughed at the thought that she looked like a drunk woman, because of the waves. She's currently traveling around the world and she decided, to travel with the sea. It's actually her first time and she's kinda lost of how big the ship is. She wanted to lay down, but forgot the way to her room.

She noticed a girl from afar. And she just wanted some help, so she decided to approach her.

"Excuse me." Lisa spoke softly, thinking she disturbed the deep thoughts of the unknown woman.

"Yes?" She was shocked by the woman's beauty and was mesmerised by it.

Her jaw was dropped on the floor and didn't utter a word for a seconds. The unknown woman finds it cute and giggles at the expression of Lisa.

"Sorry love, but your beauty woke up the butterflies in my stomach." Lisa faked a British accent and smiled.

Usually, Jennie always does is to roll her eyes, but once she saw Lisa, she was also mesmerised by her beauty.

"What a sweet talker. I love your accent by the way, I always love British people." She smiled and stretch her arm for a handshake. "I'm Jennie." She introduced herself.

Lisa accepted it but flip it over and kissed her hand. "The named Jennie fits so well to a pretty woman like you." Lisa smiled. "I'm Lisa, pleasure to meet you." She dropped her hand carefully and looked deeply into her eyes. Love at first sight.

Jennie can't stop smiling at Lisa's actions towards her. "Can you please stop? You're a British, that's why you're a charmer." Jennie turned her gaze to the sea, so that Lisa won't notice her cheeks getting red.

"I wish I was one, I'm actually a Thai." Lisa spoke truthfully and followed the gaze of Jennie into the sea.

Jennie gasped and looked at Lisa. "You were really good, I even thought you really are one."

"I lived in London for years and was used to it. I'm sorry if I ever made you uncomfortable at our first encounter. I didn't mean it love." Lisa gave her an apologetic smile, but soon widen her eyes at what she said. "Oh hell, again. I'm sorry for calling you love, love." Lisa frustratedly shout at the top of her lungs because of her clumsiness.

Jennie laughed at how cute Lisa is. "Hey, it's okay. I love to hear your accent. Please continue to speak to me in that way." She showed off her gummy smile and Lisa can't stop looking at her.

"I was lost that's why I called you." Lisa confessed.

"First time?" Jennie curiously asked.

"You tell me. This ship is massive like titanic. I even forgot the way to my room." Lisa chuckled.

"Well, I will be willing to help you because you made me smile earlier." Jennie spoke as she walked away and Lisa followed her steps.

"Well, I will be willing to make you smile everyday, love." Lisa smiled even though Jennie can't see it. On the other hand, Jennie's mouth was tired from smiling and her cheeks are too red.

"Are you travelling alone?" Jennie asked as she slow her steps to make their conversation longer.

"Yes, father and mother wanted me to be independent. And I decided to travel, because I want to capture beautiful things." Lisa spoke with so much love of her passion.


"Yeah, sadly I was dizzy because of the waves and I was disappointed that I didn't took some pictures." Lisa pouted and Jennie giggled at her cuteness.

"Oh, just so you know. Here's my room." Jennie stopped and pointed at the number.

"And just so you know. Here's also my room." Lisa walked ahead and pointed at the number.

They both laughed that their rooms are only one step away.

Lisa walked and face Jennie. She grabbed her hand and kissed it again. "Nice to meet you, love." She looked at Jennie and smiled.

"Meet you at dinner?" Jennie suggested, since she wanted to have more conversations with Lisa.

"Meet you at dinner." Lisa agreed and they both closed their doors.

Both in different rooms, but have the same feelings.

Y'all thank you for the 7k reads and 200+ votes. Lovelots.

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