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"Ladies and Gentlemen, our dance night will start within 5 minutes. Let's all gather around at the center and choose someone to be your partner in this night." The Principal announced with a smile on his face, excitement was actually written on his face, since this is the first time it happened in our school.

Well, mine was the opposite. I didn't like who decided this and I wanted to strip in front of them, because of my hideous dress. But I can't, cause they'll probably record me and upload it online. I don't have money to order them to delete it. You see, I'm poor as hell, my parents just forced me to attend this prom cause they wanted me to experience it, just for once. Well, I never liked their idea, although I wanted to thank them for making me pretty this night.

"Jennie, let's go!" Jisoo said with a hit of excitement in her voice. "Maybe, you'll find your forever here and just spread your legs for tonight and for your lover. Please get laid." Jisoo wiggled her eyebrows with a smirked on her face.

"If I could just shove Rosé's pussy in your mouth right now, I probably could've done that." I rolled my eyes and crosses my arms.

"Can you shush your mouth? I have a big crush on her, but it doesn't mean I will rape her. I do respect her. And your virgin pussy deserve an award because you attended this night."

"Yes, but it doesn't mean I'll dance with someone I don't know." I rolled my eyes again.

"Come on, just this night." Jisoo grabbed my arm and forced me to stand up.

"Fine, but you'll buy me an ice cream after this." I gave her a small smile.

"You're lucky I'm rich and you're lucky because you helped me a lot."

"Well, you're lucky because you passed the final test because of me. So girl, an ice cream is just a small thing compared to your test paper that I answered." I walked faster and passed her. Luckily, I'm used wearing heels, so there's no problem that I'll fall down.

"Just get laid!" She shouted that even some people looked at her. God! Why there's no music yet? I just continued to walked, not minding her dirty mouth. Rosé, I know we're not friends, but I really just wanted to kidnap you and shove your center at Jisoo's mouth, even if I end up in jail for years.

The lights suddenly turned off, and it stopped me. Students started to turn their phones on for some lights, but our Principal suddenly spoke.

"Students, kindly turn off your phones." He ordered and they immediately obeyed. "Thank you, anyway someone changed the plan. Since, you're all now at the center, and obviously you can't see anything. Whoever hold your hand or you hold someone else's hand, then that'll be your partner for tonight or even into forever." He chuckled and the students laugh, but it made me think he's creepy.

The music suddenly filled the dark room and someone hold my hand. I was about to snatch my hand, but the other hand was so soft, like it's some kind of a princess hand. I'll predict my partner is a girl and I'm glad, cause I don't want dicks anyway. She slowly wrapped her left arm around my waist, that made me step forward and smell her sweet but sexy scent. She then slowly grabbed my left hand and raise it with her right hand. I hang my other arm just on her shoulder and wrapped my hand around her neck. I can tell she's really tall and sexy. God! Why is this person's neck is hella sexy? Even if I can't see it, it's really sexy cause it's also soft just like her hands. What a blessed human being.

"This may sounds creepy, but you're the only pretty girl I notice since then." I'm fucking glad that the lights are turned off cause I'm freaking blushing, just for a simple compliment. God, even her voice sounds so sexy.

"Yeah, it sounds creepy. But thank you though." I tried to act normal.

She gave me a chuckle that made my pussy ready for her.

"This may also sounds creepy. But I intentionally memorise your way, so that you'll be my partner for tonight." I can feel her smiling and it made my cheeks hurt from getting red.

My pussy.

"Oh, that's really creepy but also sweet." I what?

"You think so? I'm sorry if it creeps you out."

"No, it's okay. I'm just not used of compliments." I answered and cleared my throat. I feel like my voice is begging for sex.

"Then I'll compliment you everyday." She answered.

"You don't have to, there are many girls in our school that is hella rich and pretty at the same time. I'm probably not your type."

"Who said you're not my type?" She said that made me stop.

"I was enchanted to meet you." She continued and closes the gap between us.

My first kiss in the dark at a prom night.

JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now