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"Lisa, that's the simplest thing to do. If you're shy to face her and confess, then just give her a letter with flower and chocolates and put it in her locker, like you usually do." Rosé softly said, trying to calm the nervous Lisa, who was pacing back and forth because she thinks, now is the right time to confess her feelings. "Plus, it's been 2 years Lisa,  we're now seniors and if you don't confess, then you just waste the opportunity to be with her."

"Rosé, there's a 50-50 chance of being with her and losing her. She might reject me." Lisa pouted.

"So what? At least once you confess, it's either you'll be happy or broken, but the important one is to be free from it." Rosé gave Lisa a soft smile, assuring her that it's gonna be okay.

On the other hand, Jisoo who was just staring at Lisa and rolled her eyes. "I'ma fucking kill you."

"What?" Lisa snapped at her.

"Take the risk or regret it?"

"Uhm.." Lisa trailed off and look at Rosé, asking for help.

"Fuck this. JENNIE KIM! COME HERE!" Jisoo shouted and smirked at Lisa who's eyes got bigger when Jennie looked at their table and smiled.

"Jisoo, what are you doing?! Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god." Lisa was about to stand up when she heard Jennie's voice.

"Hey guys." Jennie sat on the vacant chair, which is the opposite of Lisa's chair and face Lisa with her gummy smile. "Hey Lisa."

"Hey Jennie. We're sorry, but we have to go and leave Lisa to you." Jisoo smirked and grab Rosé's hand.

"What?" Lisa look between Jisoo's smug face and Jennie's gummy smile.

"We will going on a date and we don't want you do be a third-wheel. Maybe, you just have to grow some balls to confess to your crush, so we can have a double date." Jisoo winked and Lisa and secretly pointed at Jennie. She then gave her a thumbs up and a peace sign and flew away with Rosé.

"Aw. so my baby Lisa have a crush. Who is she?" Jennie said and used her baby voice to make Lisa convince. She knew Lisa can't resist her.

"Huh? Me having a crush on someone? Psh, Jisoo was just joking. I don't have a time for that." Lisa nervously chuckled.

"Hmm." Jennie cleared her throat. "By the way. Do you know who's been sending me this?" Jennie asked and slide a piece of paper, more of like another letter that Jennie's receiving in the past 2 years.

Lisa shift uncomfortably on her seat and cleared her throat. Well, this is so fucking awkward.

"Uhm, maybe it's one of your suitors? Or stalker? Damn, you need to throw that one." Lisa was startled when Jennie snapped at her.


"Why? You don't even know who's sending that letters."

"Honestly, I kept all those letters." Jennie smiled and bit her lip. "I don't why, I just feel like, whoever she is, she might be the right one." Jennie covered her entire face with her palm.

Is she blushing? Lisa thought and choked as she's trying to process what just Jennie said.

"Oh my. Lisa are you okay?"

Lisa just gave her a thumbs up and continue chocking, still trying to cope up with Jennie's confession.

"How did you know that your stalker is a she?"

"First of all, she's not a stalker. Second, the penmanship is obviously a girl's penmanship. And lastly, I'll marry her." Jennie giggled.

Lisa chocked again and excused herself, leaving Jennie who just smirked while staring at her.

Lisa ran as fast as she can, looking at her two bestfriend, who's all lovey-dovey in the hallway.

"Guys." Lisa clutched her chest and held Rosés arm for support, since her legs feel jelly because of Jennie's bluntness.

"Is JenLisa shipping today?" Jisoo laughed at Lisa's state.

"Why were you running? Are you okay?" Typical Rosé, who's soft as ever.

"She said, I'm the right one and she'll marry me."

"She said that?!" Rosé squeal. She's been waiting for this moment, but Lisa's bangs was just too slow to make a move.

"Obviously not directly. She doesn't know that I'm the one who's giving her letters." Lisa said.

"And then?" Jisoo asked, crossing her arms and squinted her eyes.

"Well." Lisa nervously chuckled. "I ran away."


"I knew it."

"Well, I was nervous as fuck. And I don't want her to know yet, she deserves someone better than a loser like me." Lisa pouted and opened her locker.

"Let's go Chaeng." Jisoo grabbed Rosé's hand again and dragged her.

"Wha-what? Where are we going again?"

"To a place where Lisa doesn't exist. She's getting into my nerves." Jisoo gave Lisa a death glare and the latter just rolled her eyes.

"Whatever Jisoo." She whined and started to arrange the stuff inside her locker. She grabbed her extra notebook for taking notes and closes her locker, but her eyes caught on a piece of paper. She grabbed it and furrowed her eyebrows.

To Lalisa Manoban

Yes or No?

Confuse was written on her face but chuckled at the next sentence.

I wouldn't accept an answer NO, so you have no choice.

The sender then crosses off the word 'No'.

So, hey girl you have two choices;

Yes or Yes?

Lisa rolled her eyes and was still confused who sent it, because it's impossible for her that someone like her.

"Maybe this is just a prank." She mumbled. "I'll kill those two."

"What do you mean two? I'm only one and only me. Nothing else, Manoban."

Lisa turned around and found Jennie smirking at her, leaning against the locker, looking like a hot model who's waiting for her to take a shot of perfection.

"Wh-what?" Lisa stutters and her cheeks are already red as tomato or even worse.

"You're not really good at lying. And you're too obvious." Jennie chuckled. "So, you wanna go on a date with me?"

Jennie looked at Lisa who was still staring at her and then collapsed. "Yah!" Jennie quickly catches her and tried to wake her up.

"It's no use Jennie. It takes just a minute, she'll wake up soon." Rosé said and shook her head.

"Not surprising though." Jisoo chuckled.

"What do you mean?" Jennie asked.

"Well, she likes you for two years already. Or more, she's falling for you. She just never expected that you feel the same way. So, that might be the reason she collapsed." Jisoo explained and flick Lisa's forehead. A little 'ow' came out from her lips. "Or just pretending to collapsed." Jisoo chuckled.

"I'm not pretending." Lisa said and opened her eyes, but came face to face with Jennie's gummy smile, that caused her to black out again.

"Yah! Lisa." Jennie exclaim. "Is she pretending again or what?"

Jisoo rolled her eyes again and flick Lisa's forehead but the latter didn't even flinch.

"Now, that's the real one."

Talk to me, I'm bored :|

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