The Time Traveler's Love Story

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Year 2003

"Jennie, can you do me a favor?" I suddenly woke up from my mom's voice and her fingers playing with my hair. I groaned and lift up my head from the edge of her hospital bed and looked at her.

"What is it, mom?" I squeezed her hand and she just smiled.

"This is kinda like a huge mission for you. But, do it for me. Please." She begged.

"Mom, you know that I'll do anything for you." I said, seeing her laying on the hospital bed with tubes and machines that can only support her life makes me want to wish that I was on her shoes.

"I want you to time travel way back 1964."

"Oh, that's a good joke mom." I chuckled.

"I'm dead serious Jennie Kim." She said seriously that made me gulp.

"Geez, what's so important in that year? And how can I go there? Did you secretly invented some time travel machine?" I furrowed my eyebrows and she just glared at me. "Okay, fine. Why?"

"He's my first love." She gave me a small smile. I already knew that my dad wasn't her first love but she still love him anyway. Maybe it's true that first love never dies cause my mom experienced it. But, I don't believe such a thing, like love at first sight, soulmates and etc. Call me bitter because I hella am.

"Okay? Care to elaborate further?"

Then she started explaining what should I do when I got there and where should I stay. "If you meet me there, just introduce yourself as the daughter of my Aunt Diane, which means we're gonna be cousins that time." We both laughed on how ridiculous her plan was. "So, my Aunt Diane was also a time traveller. So, it's not a surprise for her if she'll see you, so just explain everything to her but remember that you'll lie to us."

"Why do I need to lie?" I confusedly asked.

"Cause I don't want my 1964 self to have a sudden heart attack if you'll introduce yourself as her daughter. Don't tell me you're gonna call me 'mom' when you arrive there?"

I chuckled. "You have a point but I wanna see your face if I'll call you mom."

"Please don't torture me." She begged and I just laughed.

"You already know his name, right?" I just nodded and softly squeezed her hand to let her know that I will accomplish my big mission for her.

"Open the drawer under my bed and you'll see a small container. Get one pill and dissolve it with water within 2 minutes. After 2 minutes, state the date and year which is?"

"September 23, 1964." I answered.

"Good. And then drink it and say it again and again. Are we good?"

"Yes mom." I groaned. "For how long I'll stay there?"

"I don't know. I never tried that pill."

"Mom, seriously?!" I groaned again.

"Just promise me." She said, almost like pleading me to make this important task successful.

"I promise mom." I kissed her forehead. "Who's gonna stay with you?"

"I have your Aunt Dara."

"Okay, I'll just talk to her and then I'll be gone for I don't know." I kissed her cheeks and went out.

Okay, first of all. I don't believe in time traveling or whatever you wanna call that. But my mom got little crazy over that things, I believe that love will make us crazy but her craziness was over the limit or maybe I was the crazy one cause why did I agreed on this things? Fuck my life.

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