Strawberries & Cigarettes

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"You smell like strawberries and I love it." I said.

"Yeah? Well, you smell like cigarettes and I hate it. Can you stop?" She retorted and rolled her eyes.

I just ignored her and continue finishing  the last piece of my cigarette. After letting out smoke from my nose and mouth, I throw it and step on it. "Can you remind me later to buy another pack?"

"Lisa, seriously? Stop with your bad habit. I don't want to lose you." She said softly, trying to calm herself. "Lisa, you're my only friend. Please don't do this."

"Well, since you said I'm your only friend. Why not be a good friend and remind me to buy another one later?" I gave her a fake smile. "Jennie, we both knew I have feelings for you, yet here you are bitching about my habit and acting like my feelings for you are trash." I snapped and tried to calm myself. I don't want to cry in front of her. And I don't want her to see how weak I am when it comes to her.

"I'm sorry." She whispered but loud enough for me to hear before stepping out from her house.

"Fuck off Jennie."

After strolling around for awhile, while another stick of cigarette pressed to my lips. I decided to go to her again and apologize for my behavior and will try to break my bad habit for her.

I was hesitating to throw the cigarette since it's still new and I don't want to waste it, but I don't want to face her while smoking. Since it'll be a good news for her, I decided to just throw it.

But, as I was about to throw it. I saw her happily kissing another lips.

I put the cigarette back onto my lips and walked away.

And I guess she became my bad habit.

Ahh one of my favorite poems I collected. LOL.

Anyway, I'm busy with my upcoming story and you all can suggest anything you want.

Talk to me if you're bored ^_^ hahaha

Peace out!

JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now