The Other Side

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I'd like to thank you for giving my book a shot. I'd also like to say a few things before you start reading this book.

1) I have a lot of grammar errors, so instead of criticising me, I'd highly appreciate it if you leave a comment correcting me instead. Focus on the positive people

2) I was not a very good writer when I started this book but as I wrote, I realized some of my mistakes so I promise you that this book gets better as you go on

3) This book is not a romance novel. It's more about self-discovery and some of the lies your family keeps from you. So it's basically self discovery and trust

4)There are a couple of stereotypes and some things are cliche, but what's a good book without a little romance and cliche(ness)

5) Once this book is finished, I will correct all grammatical errors and add a few quotes and some multi-media on the book

6) Please don't steal my work. I wrote this using my own creativity and it would be lovely if you could also use your own. Places, names and the story plot is my imagination from my little factory upstairs, if it so happens to link to some story you know, well then it's a coincidence. 

7) Please vote and comment. Pressing that star on the bottom of the page  makes my whole day, it really does, and I appreciate the few readers that I have. Thank you

8) Forgive me if  the book is not as humerous as you expected to be. There's just a few jokes being thrown here and there. This is the life of your average high school girl, the ones that do break a few rules and well, we all know that has a few consequences.

9) Last but not least, please enjoy this book. I love you all. Ciao.

Anele Bhengu 

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