Chapter 8

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Bailey's POV

We just arrived at Lexi's house, I stared at the house for nostalgia "you ready?" She asked and I nodded

We got out and walked onto the front porch, she unlocked the door and walked in and I walked in behind her closing the door behind me

"Let's go to my room" she says as I followed her upstairs, she opened the door to her room "woah!" I say

"What?" She asked taking her shoes off while setting her backpack on her bed

"Just looks different" I say

"Yeah it's been a while since you been over" she says

"Yeah I think it was painted pink the last time" I said

"No, it was peach" she says making me laugh

"You wanna start now?" She asked

"Sure" I say setting down my bag, I watched as she set up her art station

She opens up her easel and grabbed a big white canvas, she pulled a side table next to her with all her paint on it

"Stand in front of me" she says and I did what she told me

I stood in front of her as she started sketching she looked at me giggling "what?" I asked

"You look so uncomfortable" she laughed

"What am I supposed to do?" I asked

"I don't know... pose" she says

I put my hands in my pocket "that's best you can do?" She asked

"I'm not really a model" I chuckled

"Okay" she shrugged continuing my portrait


It's been a half an hour now and she just started painting

"Bailey, stay still" she says

"Well, I'm sorry my feet hurts" I say sarcastically

She rolled her eyes playfully then a door slammed we both froze

"What was that?" I asked

She puts her paint brush down and went look out the window "no!" She says

She turned to look at me "What?" I asked

"You gotta go!" She says grabbing my bag and giving it to me

"What!?" I asked confused

She pushes me out her room, she holds my arm as we walk down the stairs, we walked towards the door when Auntie Alex walked in front of us

She had a shocked/disappointed look on her face when she saw me

"Hey Mom" Lexi says

Soon as Auntie Alex was going to say something Auntie Jessica walked in with him in her arms

I felt my body freeze  "hey bailey!" Auntie Jessica smiles

"Hey" I smiled 

"You've gotten so big!" She says

I chuckled trying my best not to stare at him, just looking at him I can see my mom in him

"What're you doing here bailey?" Auntie Alex asked crossing her arms with a serious look on her face

"I told you mom, bailey and I are partners in a art project" she says

"Bailey, I think you should leave" Auntie Alex says staring at Lexi

"Uh Okay" I say as Lexi let's go of my arm

"See you at school, Lexi" I say before walking out and closing the door behind me

I order an Uber to take me home, I waited by the curb for the car to pick me up


I just got home, I already tipped the Uber and I just opened my front door and walked in and shut the door behind

I turn around to see my mom with her hands on her hips "Bailey Jack Dolan!?, where have you been?" She asked

I didn't say anything just looked at her

"Bailey?, are okay?" She asked

"You look you seen a ghost" she says

"I saw him" I say

"Saw who bailey?" She asked as my dad walked up behind my mom

"Sawyer, I saw Sawyer" I say with tears in my

My parents didn't take one second to grab me into a hug, causing me to break down into tears, my mom was crying too

We talked about it, i told them how big he's gotten, I told my mom was he looked like her and we all cried together

For dinner my parents allowed me to eat in my room, after I finished my dinner I was going to get ready for bed when there was a knock on my door

I opened the door to see Ryleigh and Kendyll, I invited them inside, I closed the door

"Is it true?" Kendyll asked

"Is what-?" I start to ask before Ryleigh interrupted me

"That you saw Sawyer" Ryleigh said

"Yeah" I nodded

Kendyll and Ryleigh looked at each other before tearing up

"Come here" I say opening up my arms, they both walked into my arms and I gave a hug

"It's gotta be alright" I told them

"We're gonna get him back" I kissed each of their foreheads


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